Zero Waste: How to Adopt This Lifestyle?

Do you want to reduce the amount of plastic and products you use in your daily life? A zero waste lifestyle is increasingly in vogue. Many people change their routine with the aim of reusing what has been used for some time. In addition to helping the environment, consider that this is also a way to save money.

If you lack a key incentive to change your routine, start by changing your consumption patterns and adopting a more minimalist lifestyle. Reduce the material possessions you have in your home, guided by the philosophy of “being, rather than having”.

Wasting as little as possible is not a sudden process that happens overnight. It can take years, with one of the fundamental rules being to prioritize your desires. Look around your home and think about the objects you actually use and those you no longer need. After doing this exercise, recycle or reuse them. The goal is to only have what we really need.

Start buying reusable products and follow the measures below if you want to live a more ecological life.

Look for bulk stores.

Shop in stores that do not use plastic to wrap food. Using a cloth bag is a great alternative. In addition to saving the environment, shopping also tends to be more affordable, as you buy individual products.

Choose soap when taking a shower.

Stop buying shower gels that quickly end up being liquid and opt for a neutral soap. Not only can you wash your body, but also your face and hair.

Recycle your products.

Do not throw products that have already run out in the trash. Give free rein to your imagination and find a way to use them again. If you no longer wear a certain item of clothing or decorative object, give it to a friend or family member. Also choose to shop at second-hand stores.

Buy a reusable water bottle.

This is another measure that also helps reduce plastic. Don't just take your stainless steel bottle to your gym workouts. Carry it with you in your wallet. If you are not a fan of this material, you can also choose to buy a glass container, although it is not as practical to use on a daily basis. Another piece of advice is to avoid consuming liquids with plastic straws — buy a bamboo one, for example.

Cook only the necessary portions.

Avoid food waste and only cook the recommended portions for the number of people you are cooking for. If you have leftovers, don't throw the rest of the food away. Choose to put it in the fridge and eat it another time.

Before changing your lifestyle, remember that this is a process that varies from consumer to consumer. Let yourself be inspired by people who have adopted this lifestyle, but never compare your path to that of others.

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