The Taboo of Purchasing Sexual Products and Toys

Are we all bold enough to leave our sex toys lying around? Maybe we prefer to hide them in drawers under the bed, where it's unlikely anyone will find them. Shame probably arises from the fact that society instills in us what we should and shouldn't do and say, particularly with our bodies. However, if by now we have come a long way in the way we view sex and sexuality, why is buying a product like a vibrator still taboo?

Until recently, and despite the long and interesting history of sex toys, women who used vibrators were considered lonely and frustrated. Today, sex toys are being created by women — and sold by them.


The first sex toys date back to prehistoric times. The main objective of the first vibrator, which appeared around 1869, was to alleviate women's symptoms of depression and anxiety.

An urban legend tells that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra ordered her maids to carve a musical instrument with bees inside, to stimulate her genitals, through the rhythmic humming inside the base, transforming this instrument into an improvised vibrator. Regardless of the truth of this tale, there is something that cannot be denied: women have always wanted to have sexual pleasure and have always tried to find a way to achieve it, through their creativity.


From the outside, they may look practically the same, but it's their interior that sets them apart. The difference between a dildo and a vibrator is that the vibrator vibrates, as it has a small internal motor that provides these vibrations. On the other hand, the dildo does not usually produce vibrations, only referring to the male genital organ. The dildo is designed for penetration; The vibrator is designed to stimulate the clitoris and other erogenous zones.

A vibrator can add new stimuli for equal pleasure between genders, affecting both sexual organs with vibration. Men and women can enjoy using these magical gadgets.


Buying menstrual hygiene products is still taboo for many women, even though it is a natural part of life. As it is a subject that is still talked about in hushed tones, it is important to normalize it. After all, why do we think we should hide the tampon while walking to the bathroom? What distinguishes a lipstick or a toothbrush from a sanitary napkin or a tampon?

To normalize the purchase and use of sexual health products, we must stop acting shameful. The more comfortable we feel, the more normal the behavior will become. There is nothing wrong with sex or menstruation. Both are completely normal things, and when we stop acting like they are taboo, it will be easier for us to acquire the products we need. Only in this way can we contribute to safe sexuality and the formation of healthier and happier individuals.


We should be able to talk more openly about sex, rather than resorting to code talk. Just as there should be no taboo on the topic of intimate health, there should be no taboo on the issue of purchasing sexual toys and products in general. When we enter a store, we don't have to whisper what we want to buy, nor do we need to buy our intimate massager online only.

Fortunately, as sexual satisfaction becomes more and more of an all-encompassing market, sexuality devices are arriving in major stores, leading to a softening of the negative stigma surrounding this issue. When we see our sexuality as a perfectly normal part of our existence, buying vibrators will be as easy as buying batteries.

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