Work, home, family are sources of happiness and joy, but also of some stress and worries. Reconciling everything we have to do in a 24-hour day can be a task close to impossible.
Furthermore, having an overcrowded schedule, with more commitments and tasks than there are hours in the day, is more than enough reason to generate anxiety and make us feel stressed and overwhelmed. Take the opportunity to stop and learn how to manage everyday stress .
Main symptoms of stress
Stress gives signs that can be physical, behavioral, emotional and/or cognitive. The manifestation of these symptoms is a sign that the body is under too much pressure and needs to stop. Pay attention to the symptoms and check if you identify with any of them.
Symptoms physicists
Low energy levels;
Dry mouth;
Frequent colds and infections;
Muscle aches;
Frequent headaches;
Diarrhea, constipation and/or nausea
Decreased libido;
Accelerated heartbeat;
Nervousness, tinnitus and sweating;
Symptoms behavioral
Biting your nails;
Changes in appetite or eating disorders;
Addictions (consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs).
Symptoms emotional
Difficulty relaxing;
Feeling of out of control;
Agitation and frustration;
Low self-esteem, isolation and depression.
Symptoms cognitive
Constant worries;
Confused thoughts;
Disorganization and deconcentration;
How to learn to manage stress ?
Identifying the origin or origins of this chronic stress that we feel is the first step in defining which solutions are best suited to put an end to it. Taking control of our lives, accepting what cannot be changed, but changing what can be done differently, are essential measures to combat daily stress . Here are some strategies you can follow.
Change your lifestyle
You won't be trying to do extra things for the time do you have available? Start by delegating some tasks, do without a few things and set aside some time in your day to relax. Establish priorities and reorganize your agenda. Only then can you slow down.
Do useful activities and have positive relationships
Being supportive makes us feel good. Therefore, a good way to combat daily stress is to dedicate yourself to a charitable cause. This way, you will get to know other realities (sometimes very complex) and you will meet other people who can help you put your everyday worries into perspective.
Eat a balanced diet
Have a balanced diet, consuming plenty of water, vegetables and fruit, guarantees a feeling of well-being that will be reflected in the your state of mind and mood. Avoid foods that are too fatty or sugary foods, prevents cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes and will make you feel better inside and out.
Do not drink or smoke
Controlling coffee consumption and avoiding alcohol and tobacco is important. These products only give the false illusion that they relieve stress , when in fact they will only make you feel more anxious and moody.
Practice physical exercise
Practicing sports or physical activity helps release endorphins, hormones that regulate and improve our mood. It is not I don't need to sign up for a gym or dedicate many hours to exercise. Enough walk, bike ride or dance every day for 30 minutes.
To stop
This is, perhaps, the most important and fundamental tip. You need to have free time and use it to do things that relax or have fun. Reading a book, painting, going to the spa, doing yoga , going to a workshop ,... are just some of the many activities you can do that will make your free time richer and more beneficial for you.
Sleep well
Stress often causes sleep disorders. If you already suffer from these problems, then reduce the amount of caffeine you consume during the day and, a few hours before going to bed, do not use any electronic devices. Eating a lighter, more balanced dinner and including physical exercise in your life will certainly help you sleep better.
Don't be so demanding
It's good to be strict. But being too demanding on yourself, on others and on everything will only make you feel frustrated and even more stressed. Therefore, keep your demand levels balanced.
To search for help
It is natural that you will have difficulty implementing all the suggestions we have left into practice on your own. For this reason, seeking clinical help should be an option to consider. Cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal counseling and/or mindfulness can greatly help manage and reduce chronic stress . Focusing on the positive and acquiring a new perspective on things are two essential steps to being able to relativize everything that worries you. Therefore, if you consider that you suffer from chronic stress , consult a specialist. Go to and schedule your consultation (or video consultation) with the health professional closest to you!
This article is part of a partnership with the company Doctorino and was written by its editors.