What is Solid Shampoo and Why Should We Use It?

O Que é o Champô Sólido e Por Que Motivos Devemos Usá-lo?

Solid shampoo. Or, in other words, a bar of soap for your hair. Have you ever heard of this product? The washing ritual is simple and practical, being similar to the soap we know so well for washing hands, maintaining the effectiveness equivalent to that of a liquid shampoo.

As a rule, whether they smell like vanilla or the rainforest, the products we use to clean our hair take on a liquid format and are packaged in plastic packaging. However, solid shampoo goes against this trend, being an old product that has recently resurfaced and tends to last longer than an average bottle of liquid shampoo.

More advantages? In addition to more easily removing oil and impurities that accumulate in your hair, it is the perfect option to put in your toiletry bag when traveling, as you won't have to squeeze your favorite shampoo into a container that complies with the rules established by the companies. aerial.

What is solid shampoo?

Solid shampoo is a bar of shampoo in solid form, that is, a concentrated block of shampoo, similar to traditional soap. Because it is concentrated, it tends to last much longer than an equivalent amount in the liquid form we are used to.

Generally, solid shampoos are made from natural ingredients and have a significantly lower environmental impact than other options on the market. In this way, contrary to the presence of chemicals in their formulation, shampoos in solid form tend to make room for the body's natural processes, instead of suppressing them.

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