What Happens to Your Skin When You Stop Using Makeup?

O Que Acontece à Sua Pele Quando Deixa de Usar Maquilhagem?

At this stage, you have certainly already understood that working from home is not only a reality of the present, but also a reality of the near future. Perhaps you are, at this moment, thinking about how symbolic the simple gesture of drinking your morning coffee as soon as you arrived at the office was or how much you miss smoking a cigarette on a terrace while listening to bossa nova. However – and leaving aside everything you are “losing” –, how about focusing on the advantages of the current moment? More time at home means more time to dedicate to your home, family and your pet, but not only that. More time in your space also means that you will spend more time without makeup, in an au naturel style.

If you are the type of woman who likes to put on makeup every day, It's very likely that you've already asked yourself questions about what's happening around you. skin when you decide to give it a well-deserved break from using cosmetics.

What effect does the absence of makeup have for a few days?

According to experts, as a rule, when people stop of wearing makeup (especially if it is of the comedogenic type, leaving clogged pores), the skin ends up revealing some noticeable improvements.

Stopping using this type of cosmetics works as a revitalizing the skin, leaving it brighter, more uniform and less dry. When we choose to take a break from wearing makeup for a day, the skin has the opportunity to breathe, once again finding its balance.

Depending on humidity levels, stress and other factors surrounding us, our skin changes color. behavior. So, on the days when we cover her with makeup, she can, for example, on the one hand, increase or decrease the production of sebum and oil, but on the other, it also it can increase or decrease your natural moisturizing substances.

In this period of quarantine – we still don't know when it will end – it is important that you maintain your beauty routine and don't forget to give it the importance it deserves. Don't neglect the essential steps for skin care, such as the use of moisturizing creams, facial serums and, of course, sunscreen (especially on days when you decide to go to the balcony or window to balance your vitamin D levels). !).

According to some dermatologists, if we choose to leave aside from wearing makeup for a week, problems such as acne can be visibly improved, and there is also a lower probability from the appearance of unwanted pimples. Rosacea, common in many women, may also show some improvements, as they reduce the chances that the skin comes into contact with potentially harmful ingredients irritants or that leave pores clogged.

In addition to all this, in cases where we decide to spend a month Without using makeup, the benefits will be even greater. This happens because the Skin cell renewal cycle lasts about 28 days. And this is something that our dermis does it on its own (yes, our body really is an amazing machine!).

Take a break.

This does not mean that you have to completely abandon use of make-up . However, the truth is that applying daily makeup can interfere with this natural cycle of skin we talk about. Therefore, the longer your skin stays free of these beautifying products, it will better regulate your temperature, the production of oils, hydration and the natural exfoliation process.

Know that, this way, you will also be able to forgo not-so-necessary steps in your skin care routine, such as using micellar water or a toner. This is because there are no traces of makeup to remove, as would happen at the end of any normal night in your life. Only advantages, right?

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