What Color Lingerie to Wear on New Year's Eve?

Que Cor de Lingerie Usar na Noite de Ano Novo?

End of the year. Dressed up, with raisins and champagne in hand. We look at the stars and secretly make a thousand and one wishes. And amidst the excitement at the end of this trip, there is one detail that stands out: what color lingerie to choose? "Blue bottoms," they say. The custom is ancient, but is it mandatory to follow it?

When it comes to the New Year, no detail can be forgotten, especially when it comes to the clothes we choose to wear, even the intimate. This is because the color we wear underneath our sequin dress can really make a difference when the clock strikes 00:00.

Frederica tried to discover the meanings associated with each color of underwear, to attract what she wants most. If it works? Nothing is certain, but after a year like 2020, it's best not to take risks, right? Take note of the meaning of each tone.

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