Welcome the Warm Season With These Simple Changes to Your Everyday Life

The way we adjust our habits to reflect the changing seasons can reveal something deeper about how we are connected. This is because the different seasons of the year affect all areas of our lives – what we eat, how we dress and what we do in our free time to have fun.

It can be truly enriching to shape our daily habits according to the season. Later, we may even look back and realize that what at first was just a simple habit, ended up becoming a kind of tradition that we no longer intend to give up.

As the days get longer, welcome the new season with open arms – and windows – by changing small moments in your routine. In doing so, you will discover new vitality in your daily life. And when next year's summer arrives, you'll be eager to make these joyful seasonal changes come true! Below, find our ideas and get inspired.

Change your kitchen dishes .

Typically, when the seasons change, the style of meals we tend to eat also changes (no one wants to eat soup when it's 30 degrees outside!). We prefer lighter, quicker-to-prepare dishes, while at the same time we value a refreshing drink even more.

And if you're one of those people who can't do without their morning coffee – and who can't wake up without first having a very strong cup of this drink – you'll know that your Christmas snowflake pattern cups are in need of being replaced by something more summery. , colorful and floral. With maximum temperatures rising more and more, and with the growing desire to dive on neighboring beaches, “warm” winter dishes no longer make sense.

To freshen up your morning routine, switch up your cups, storing heavier winter patterns on a top shelf and making your pieces lighter, fresher and more accessible. Also take the opportunity to update your summer boards – we have a wonderful set for sale in our online store.

Create a capsule wardrobe.

It's time to pack your boots (except those you can also wear in summer), scarves, fur coats and hats. Choose some of your lighter pieces to alternate from week to week for an economical way to make the most of your spring/summer outfits. Creating a capsule wardrobe will help you save time – and money. You just need to use your imagination and good taste to make your looks shine every day.

Change the decor of the house!

It's time to put away all your winter decorations: blankets, pillows, candles and other decorations that inspire cold days. Scatter fresh flowers around the house and decorate the living room with scented candles and floral pillows. Choose light, neutral fabrics to make your home more beautiful and comfortable.

Make the most of the end of the day.

As the weather warms and the days get longer, spending more time outdoors starts to make more and more sense. Swap that hot cup of tea in the evening for a walk after dinner. Instead of eating in the living room or at the kitchen table, clean the furniture on the porch and enjoy eating outdoors. Better: on the weekends, have a barbecue or a family picnic.

Start gardening to reduce stress .

Believe it or not, gardening could be the key to a happier, more relaxed lifestyle. According to recent reports, it can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress , in addition to providing physical benefits. It is believed that contact with the earth can elevate a person's mood, while improving their immune system. If you want to improve your mental, physical and emotional health this summer, get out and do some gardening.

Enjoy your sleep.

It is essential that you try to get as much sleep as possible. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. As a result, you'll feel healthier and have more energy to create even better memories throughout the season.

Smile more .

Just like breathing, the act of smiling seems too simple to have any impact on our health. But some surprising research has revealed otherwise. Experts in body expression have discovered that smiling helps reduce the downward spiral of sadness, as the unconscious also understands body language.

Today, the choices we make about how we spend our time go far beyond what our ancestors could imagine. However, the greater the freedom, the greater the responsibility. Sometimes the simplest gestures are the most transformative. Think about it.

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