Super Nutritious Salad

We are used to a salad being cold and having lettuce as a base. But how about reinventing it with a different base and making it warm? A nutritious and very quick meal.

Ingredients (for 1 dose):

1/4 of a medium head of red cabbage;

1 apple (quality of your choice);

1 piece (approx. 2cm) of fresh ginger;

1 radish without stems;

1/2 avocado;

1 handful of walnuts;

Coriander to taste;

For the sauce:

2 tablespoons of olive oil;

1 teaspoon of honey or agave;

1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar (preferably organic, without sulfites and refined sugar);

Salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation method:

Grate the red cabbage, apple and ginger into a medium bowl;

In a separate bowl, place the ingredients for the sauce and stir well;

Add the dressing to the salad bowl and toss;

Place a wide frying pan or wok on the heat and add the mixture from the bowl;

Sauté for about 5 minutes, remove from the heat and serve, adding the sliced ​​radish and avocado, along with the walnuts and coriander.

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