Do you want to be more generous with the planet? Follow These Six Tips

Small changes can make a big difference. Being environmentally conscious is about making daily choices that will determine the success or failure of our species. We can be more generous to the planet and be more conscious about reducing pollution, protecting wildlife, conserving natural resources and adopting new habits to help slow the pace of climate change. As? Reducing the amount of waste we create and reusing consumer goods.

Explore your creativity and follow the tips below to awaken your most ecological side. There is only one planet Earth. So make smart choices.


There's nothing like giving things a second chance. Empty plastic packaging and glass bottles, for example, can be easily reused. One of the main problems with plastic is that it takes too long to degrade, so if you can't avoid buying it, at least try to give it a new life.


You might be surprised to discover that animal farming is one of the main contributors to climate change. Meat and dairy production is responsible for 14.5% of the gases that cause global warming. In addition, tropical forests are being destroyed to make way for soy, which is widely used to feed industrially farmed birds.

A 2018 study revealed that eliminating meat and dairy consumption can reduce our individual ecological footprint by 73%. Ask a nutritionist for help before completely eliminating these foods from your diet and, little by little, try trying some vegetarian or vegan recipes, before deciding to completely eliminate ingredients of animal origin.


To provide us with cheaper products, many brands save money, harming people and the planet. It is often the poorest populations in the world who bear the greatest impact. So, when you want to buy something new, try to reach out to brands that are transparent about the materials they use and the working conditions they provide for their employees. Find out before making purchases that, in the past, you wouldn't question.


Did you know that bees are a powerful source of pollination and contribute to the growth of flowers, trees and plants? There are many natural species that need plants for food and refuge, and the bee is fundamental in this process. There are several agricultural crops that also depend on bees. Transform your garden and contribute to the lives of these insects by planting lavender, honeysuckle and catnip.


It is imperative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The easiest way to do it? Walking or cycling. Fewer cars on the road mean less pollution. Whenever the paths are short and the weather permits, choose to walk to your destination instead of driving. You may think that this gesture does not have enough power to make a difference, but the more times you do it, the greater its positive impact will be. Furthermore, walking is an excellent way to empty your mind and free yourself from everyday tensions, through the production of endorphins, hormones linked to happiness.


Do you remove makeup every day with makeup remover wipes? Do you clean your face with disposable cotton pads? Do you use creams and serums that have too many chemicals in their composition? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, it's time to revolutionize your beauty routine and make it more ecological (and healthier).

Cotton cultivation is considered one of the most polluting in the world, due to the intense use of insecticides, the most dangerous chemicals for human and animal health. Both make-up remover pads and disposable wipes largely contribute to destroying the planet's natural resources. It's best to replace them with reusable options: crochet discs, soaps, natural oils or reusable wipes.

Choose to use products with delicate ingredients and avoid formulas with microplastics, which can accumulate in the oceans for years. There are natural alternatives such as coconut oil, sea salt and bamboo, for example. Look at the labels before making your purchases.

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