Five Easy-to-Practice Healthy Gestures

Working more and more hours in front of the computer and with less and less time to invest in our well-being, it becomes difficult to follow a balanced diet, live a less sedentary life and enjoy good times with peace of mind. Completely connected to our cell phones and with so many hours spent on the Internet , we inevitably end up gradually increasing our weight, suffering from muscle pain and even reducing our average life expectancy.

To have a more active and healthier life, it is important that we dedicate our time to pleasurable activities, enjoy sunlight, exercise and eat well. However, these are the rules you already know. We leave you with other simple (but valuable!) tips to help you put into practice the principles that govern a lighter and happier life.

Consume the nutrients you need.

It is known that, to function properly, our body lacks certain nutrients and vitamins, which are extremely important in a balanced diet. Therefore, avoid becoming too stressed, as this situation will prevent you from receiving all these components that are very necessary.

Stop to relax.

To be more productive at work and avoid problems such as headaches or tired eyes, you need to know when to stop. Taking a break could be the key you need to regain the energy you're missing so you can be creative and implement your goals.

Drink more water.

Hydration is essential to be able to face long summer days. We all have different needs, but it is recommended that we drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Get in touch with Nature.

There are many studies that suggest that being in contact with Nature largely benefits our mental health. Have plants at home, look at the trees, listen to the birds singing, go for a walk by the sea... whatever. There is no shortage of options to be in perfect balance with yourself. Take the first step!

Do not have dinner after 9pm.

Nutrition experts say that we can eat meals at any time of the day. However, we should not eat too late. If the objective is to stay fit, it is important that we are able to burn more calories than we decide to eat throughout the day. On the other hand, if we ingest more calories than we burn, the result will obviously be the opposite. Focus on your goals and don't lose sight of them.

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