Turn Your Bath into a Relaxation Ritual

Transforme o Seu Banho Num Ritual de Relaxamento

Foam. Candles. Silence. The three of them, together, in a moment entirely dedicated to us. A team that we do not intend to give up and that invigorates us in an incomparable way. The moment we propose involves just this and a bathtub full of steam, perfect for restoring your energy.

Experiencing a hot bath is one of the best experiences we can experience alone. But are we making the most of this relaxing moment?

Creating a sacred space and making our daily bath a ritual that reaffirms our positivity, from the inside out, honoring the gift that is our body, is something truly important. And with certain products and some knowledge we can obtain all the best that a simple foam can do for us.

It is extremely important to rethink our regime and our habits. Therefore, we can choose an oil that hydrates our skin, applying it all over the body before taking a shower, instead of applying it before exfoliation, something that can irritate the dermis. But the tips don't stop there. Read on to find out how to completely transform your bath.

Use an oil to shine your skin and make it more relaxed .

Sesame oil, which hydrates our skin and prevents aging, can be our best ally. All we need to do is choose one that is free of perfume, to use after a shower and exfoliate the skin, leaving it nourished and radiant. This type of oil is the only one capable of penetrating all layers of the skin.

Choose your favorite playlist and light up the space .

Take your favorite playlist and add music to your bath. Choose something slower and calmer to relax. Add candles and dim lighting. Dimmer light can help set you in a better state of mind to leave the weight of the world behind. Hang a fresh eucalyptus branch in the corner of your shower and let its leaves release their essential oils, so you can experience an authentic moment of pure serenity.

Pay attention to the water temperature .

In addition to these small steps, it is also important to alternate the water temperature, from the feet upwards, to the chin, for five seconds, then changing for another five seconds and repeating the entire process (hot and cold) three times. . The change in temperature stimulates blood circulation, something that leads to healthier skin, stimulating lymphatic drainage to eliminate swelling, making the skin more porous, so that any product applied after bathing is absorbed more easily.

Even though most people prefer to take a hot shower, the truth is that a cold shower offers other benefits, such as a revitalized mood and better skin and hair quality. After this process, we have reached the best moment to start applying our body lotion of choice, as the skin is moist and warm, maximizing the results resulting from its application.

Whatever your routine, do it quickly and consciously. Make this moment positive for yourself and the environment. Hydrate yourself well, drink some tea and disconnect from the world to revitalize your spirit.

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