Transform Your PMS by Knowing Your Body: the Analysis of a Specialist Trained in Chinese Medicine

Transforma a Tua TPM Conhecendo o Teu Corpo: a Análise de Uma Especialista Formada em Medicina Chinesa

PMS is one of the reasons why countless women, of all ages, seek medical advice. But what does this acronym that we hear so much about mean? PMS (Premenstrual Tension) is a set of physical and psychological symptoms that appear a few days before the start of menstruation, such as mood changes (irritability, anxiety, bad mood, depression), headaches , abdominal swelling and breast distension. Approximately 20% to 50% of women of childbearing age suffer from PMS, and this affects their routine.

In Chinese Medicine, PMS is seen as a physical and energetic imbalance in the body that we should not ignore. Since when we move to the perspective of Chinese Medicine, the body is seen as a whole, the physical part and the mental part, through a very specific and individualized diagnosis. In this approach, the symptoms are mainly associated with stagnation of blood and Qi (energy), which does not circulate correctly, and with the energetic part of the organs: liver and uterus. This holistic perspective, which defends an integral vision, reminds us of the importance of looking at the body in a complete way, understanding that each of us has a unique body and we must learn to listen to and respect it.

PMS - Time for Me

The first step

  • Knowing your body is essential to dealing effectively with PMS. You must pay attention to the signs it gives you to understand how different factors in your daily life, such as diet, sleep, stress levels and exercise, can influence your well-being during this period.

Everything you give your body during the cycle has an influence on PMS, so it is crucial to be constant in your self-knowledge work. By understanding the patterns of symptoms throughout the cycle and how your body reacts to different stimuli, you can adopt personalized strategies to minimize the impact of PMS.

The Second Step

  • When you identify all the signals your body gives you, the change begins! Now that you have listened to your body, you must nourish it. Natural supplements, specific to regulating hormonal activity, are a great help to replenish all the vitamins your body needs.

In Chinese Medicine, medicinal plants are part of the treatment and complement what is done in consultation (acupuncture, massage, etc.). In PMS we have to choose plants that help us modulate the hormonal system and that act directly on the symptoms that are so characteristic of this phase:

Sage is one of the most used plants to resolve issues related to the menstrual cycle. Its relaxing properties help alleviate menstrual pain and act as an “anti-depressant”.

Red Clover ( Trifolium pratense) is rich in phytoestrogen (estrogen from foods and plants). Estrogen is a fundamental hormone in a woman's cycle, especially during ovulation.

Ashwagandha supports the proper functioning of the reproductive system and the endocrine system, improving the secretory function of the thyroid gland and normalizing adrenal activity.

There are other vitamins and minerals that are essential for improving the symptoms caused by PMS, such as vitamin B6, which is known for regulating the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood, and folic acid, which is so important for quality of our blood that coats our endometrium.

PMS is not a bad thing that we should ignore and trivialize in our daily lives. It is important to be aware of the changes that our body undergoes throughout the cycle and to know ourselves in order to understand the needs and time that our body needs. The phase leading up to menstruation and the menstrual phase are extremely demanding on a woman's body, not only due to the endometrial flaking and low levels of estradiol and progesterone, but also due to the release of emotional tension.

This is the time to rest, meditate and respect the body's rhythm.

By integrating knowledge of our body, with holistic approaches, such as Chinese Medicine, and the use of natural supplements, we can transform our experience with PMS, achieving greater balance, improving our quality of life and becoming our own person. best version.


Text written by:
Joana Martins Coelho
, specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Founder & CEO of Clínica Meridiano , she combines ancient knowledge and current techniques to treat women's health issues such as fertility, menstrual cycles, menopause and endometriosis. Its innovative approach transforms female well-being, increasing self-knowledge and body balance.

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