Transform Your Balcony into an Exotic Outdoor Space

Transforme a Sua Varanda Num Espaço Exótico ao Ar Livre

Home is where the heart lives, but if the possibility of fresh air is included, it's where the soul lives too. If you have an outdoor space in your home, no matter how small, consider yourself lucky. We will show you how you can transform it into a dreamy little retreat.

In times of social confinement, having a balcony, terrace or garden to enjoy the sun has become a true luxury – a month ago I would never have imagined that these would become the most valued spaces in the house – and if you know how to take advantage of this blessing , your home can have an extra outdoor space perfect for relaxing, getting away from everything else and even working.

Your balcony doesn't just have to be used to place the clothesline. Why not start by going to your storage room to look for chairs and umbrellas to install in your space? This is just the first idea. Keep reading to discover all the others and be able to create your own private terrace.

Prepare an outdoor breakfast.

Breakfast outside! Can you imagine a better way to start the day? This is the most important meal of all and your vitality will depend on it.

If you're trying to have positive energy during this season, there's nothing like breakfast on the balcony, to enjoy the first rays of sunlight with a delicious coffee.

If you don't have a lot of space, try using folding furniture. You only need a table and two chairs to have your removable outdoor dining space. A good option is also to use metal pieces, as they are more resistant.

Use pieces that encourage comfort.

For comfort and to enjoy your uninterrupted reading moments, include a beach towel on your balcony and a natural fiber rug so you can be barefoot.

Furthermore, the best thing to do in especially small spaces is to place an ottoman or a support that can be used as an extra seat or as a side table.

If the dimensions of your space allow it, it is also always convenient to have a parasol that allows you to extend your stay on the balcony. A very decorative – and functional – detail is to choose it in tones that coordinate with the other tones in the space. When the heat starts, this element will be essential in the outdoor environment, especially for meals with the family or for resting for a while.

Use curtains to control light intensity.

Try to use curtains to protect the intensity of light and heat and reduce the entry of insects. Simple and transparent curtains are, once again, a trend in decoration.

Decorate with plants.

According to Feng Shui – a Chinese technique for harmonizing environments, which studies the influence of space on our well-being – plants renew the energy of our home and reduce stress and anxiety. Taking care of them lifts our spirit and restores our energy. Therefore, with plants at home, we will be able to achieve greater well-being, while at the same time adding a touch of freshness and vivacity to our spaces. Keeping them grouped together will make it easier to care for them.

Placing your plants along the perimeter of the balcony or reserving a space to create your garden are two options to consider. Take advantage and combine aloe vera and bamboo vases with various flowers to add color to your spring corner.

Close your eyes and enjoy your plants while drinking a coffee or a natural juice made by you, during one of your work breaks.

Make use of storage spaces.

There is no comfort without organization! Especially now that we spend more time outside our home. Therefore, it is also important to bring close to you what you use most (items of literature, music, etc.). Build your own bamboo shelf and store your gardening or craft utensils on it.

Complete with lights for the night.

To create magical nights, we need the right lighting. Decorate your balcony with LED lights, to save energy, and complete the atmosphere with candlesticks and lanterns, for a more romantic and intimate touch.


Create a garden.

Take advantage of a space that is not being used indoors – an empty wall or a long corridor with a lot of sunlight – and create a small garden by arranging some plants side by side or vertically, arranging several pots with plants hanging on the wall .

Feng Shui tip: always keep your garden clean and free of dead plants and leaves, to allow for energy renewal.

Choose lighting that suits you.

If you are teleworking, lighting is essential to create a suitable work area. Prefer to work in places that receive direct sunlight, even if this means moving the table closer to the window. So, while it reduces your electricity bill, it increases your focus, as sunlight helps us concentrate.

Define an area to do sports.

Train, train and train. Yes! However, for motivation to overcome laziness, it is necessary to delimit an area strictly designated for this purpose. Look for a large area, free from obstacles – an area of ​​your bedroom or living room. If you prefer to exercise outdoors, the terrace or balcony will be the ideal mini gym.

Organize the space by categories.

Everything is energy. And what we don't want at a time like this is to have stagnant energy in our home. To achieve this, it is important not to let objects, whether decorative or not, remain in the same position for too long.

And how about changing the function of some pieces of furniture, initially designed to organize objects? In the pantry, for example, one of the shelves can be used as a wine rack, simply housing bottles of wine lying side by side.

Let the air circulate.

Open the windows in your home every day for at least 20 minutes. This gesture will allow a kind of energetic cleansing. You can also use air purifiers to complement this home renovation.

There is an online Universe waiting for you.

If you have a balcony, but don't have enough material to make it what you want, remember that you can purchase everything you need from online stores. You don't need to leave the sofa to transform your space! On the other hand, how about restoring old pieces? A paint job can make them look like new. Get motivated and unleash the DIY queen in you.

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