Training Circuit to Combat Excesses Committed at the End of the Year Parties

Circuito de Treino Para Combater os Excessos Cometidos nas Festas de Fim de Ano

We all know that during the Christmas and New Year festivities we commit more excesses, but this is also a time of year when we don't want to deprive ourselves of special family moments (and food). Everything we eat turns into energy and, subsequently, into sugar reserves in our body, if we don't use them up. So, put those calories to rest and enjoy the Christmas season guilt-free.

Our suggestion is that you intelligently use the energy from the food consumed with this circuit training for the whole body, made up of five essential cardio and muscle toning exercises, which can be done at home, outdoors or in the gym.

Do one set of each exercise, resting up to 30 seconds between exercises if necessary, and repeat the circuit as many times as you like. After each round of the circuit, rest for two minutes to replenish energy and drink water. Come from there.

A: Push-up walking

Start in a standing position;

Place your hands on the floor and walk up to plank, keeping your abdominals tight;

Place your knees on the floor and do a push-up, keeping your elbows close to your ribs and pointing backwards;

Raise your knees and walk with your hands to the starting position;

Repeat the exercise until you complete 10 repetitions;

Advanced option: push-up without supporting your knees.

B: Alternating back lunge /alternating back step

Start in a standing position;

Take a large step back with your right leg, bending your knees (both knees should be at 90 degrees), keeping your torso straight and abdominal tight;

Return to center and repeat with the left leg;

Continue to repeat, alternately, until you have taken 20 steps back in total.

C: Mountain Climbers

Start in plank position, with feet hip-width apart, arms straight, shoulders over hands and fingers spread wide on the floor;

Bring one leg forward, bringing your knee to your chest, without changing the position of your body, and step back;

Repeat with the other leg;

Repeat the exercise, alternating legs and trying not to rock your torso, until you complete 20 repetitions.

D: Jump squat

Start in a standing position, with your feet wider than your hips and pointing slightly outward;

Keeping your back straight and pointing your knees outwards, go down as far as you can without having to change the position of your torso;

Make an explosive movement to jump as high as you can;

The abdominals must remain tight throughout the movement;

Repeat until you complete 15 jumps.

E: Core combination: side plank and side twists

Start by lying on your side, for a side plank;

Place your forearm flat on the floor, with your shoulder directly over your elbow;

Lift your hips off the floor, leaving only your arm and feet supported (option: knee of the lower leg resting on the floor);

Hold the position for 15-20 seconds, keeping your belly tucked in and glutes tight;

Before repeating on the other side, turn over onto your back for the side touches;

With your feet flat on the floor, knees bent and arms straight at your sides, lift your head and shoulders off the floor and, from here, lean your body to the side until it touches your ankle and repeat on the other side;

Continue alternating sides until you have done 30 repetitions in total (option: you can do it slowly or quickly, as long as you keep the rest of your body static in the center);

Turn to the other side for side plank and hold the position for 15-20 seconds.

This completes a series of the circuit. You can repeat as many times as you want for a longer workout and greater calorie expenditure and muscle toning.

Text: Ana Morais | Exercise Physiologist
Instagram: @ana_lucia_morais

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