Tips to Make the Best of the Summer Sun

Dicas Para Aproveitar o Sol de Verão da Melhor Forma

To ensure that your skin absorbs all the good – and nothing bad – during the summer season, it is important to know how to make the most of what the Sun has to offer. Did you know that sun exposure can help us sleep better? It has been shown that when we regularly expose ourselves to sunlight, our bodies adjust their internal clocks to align with the natural light cycle. In other words, when it's dark outside, our brain receives signals that it's time to sleep.

On the other hand, prolonged and unprotected sun exposure is mainly responsible for premature aging and changes in skin pigmentation, which can cause blemishes. We tell you what you need to know to stay happy and healthy in the sunniest season of all.


When choosing a sun protection product, look for one that contains filters for UVA and UVB rays. UVB rays are one of the main causes of sunburn, while UVA rays prematurely age the skin. Both contribute to skin cancer, so it is important to find a product that is able to protect against both.

Even when you are not fully exposed to the sun's rays, you should continue to use a face cream with SPF. Apply it to clean skin so that the pores remain clear, and wash your face well beforehand.

SPF 50 OR SPF 30?

According to Medical News Today , SPF 30 protects you from 97% of the sun's rays, while SPF 50 only protects you from another 1%. Using products with SPF 50 can lead you to a false sense of security, causing you to not apply them enough times or in the necessary quantities. Furthermore, because it takes around 20 minutes to be completely absorbed by the skin, it is important that you apply it before leaving the house.

Reapplying sunscreen throughout the day is also a golden rule, as sweat, extreme heat and contact with water can dilute it. Apply a new layer every two hours to ensure maximum protective effect is achieved.


Flavonoids – compounds that help protect against possible UV damage – are present in foods such as dark chocolate. So (good news!), you can enjoy some squares to keep your body protected, also opting for foods rich in omega-3 (eggs, salmon, flaxseeds, etc.).

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