Tips for Including Meditation in Your Daily Life (in Times of Confinement)

First of all, I want to start by clarifying what meditation is. In my point of view, it is everything that makes us present in the here and now, something that goes far beyond the more traditional meditation, and can consist of the practice of activities such as dancing, painting, drawing, singing, walking in Nature, among others. others. Therefore, the important thing is not the act itself, but the fact that we allow ourselves to be in the present moment.

We can choose one or more activities that make us “awake” and awake in the here and now, that activate our heart and our inner smile, which are so important in these difficult times that we are going through. Our “energetic heart”, the heart chakra , is connected to our Thymus gland, which is extremely important for our immune system. So, to compensate for everything that is outside of you, try to feed your heart and your inner self. In addition to fueling your body with food and exercise, feed your heart with what makes you feel good.

There are many obstacles that we create when practicing meditation, such as time, money, procrastination, lack of experience or even fear of starting the practice. It won't be a surprise if I tell you that these are just thoughts that we allow to enter our mind, until one day they actually become our reality. Perhaps our biggest obstacle is procrastination, even though we continue to think that they are the same villains as always: time and money. In fact, there are millions of free online meditations, as well as apps that offer meditations of various lengths and for all levels.

This season, when we are asked to stay at home, is a great time to start! If we do this, we will be able to achieve, even if just for a few minutes, peace, serenity, harmony and internal pacification, which are so important for the proper functioning of our immune system. And believe me, all it takes is five minutes first thing in the morning, when you wake up, to change your day. Doubts? Try it! You will be surprised.

There are some tips that can help you make meditation a daily practice in your life:
  • Meditate as soon as you wake up or before going to sleep;
  • Create a comfortable environment for practicing it. For example, play soft music;
  • Start your meditation practice with deep breathing and focus only on your breathing and your heartbeat;
  • Create achievable initial goals, so as not to create frustration;
  • Participate in group classes with a teacher to guide you, as this facilitates the process. There are online classes that you can use at this stage, from the comfort of your home;
  • Use cell phone applications, which have thousands of meditations and which also allow you to set reminders to meditate, even create your own routine. Apps like Insight Timer or Calm can be very useful.

Some Benefits of practicing meditation:
  • Live in the present moment;
  • Develop constructive attitudes and become happier;
  • Adopt more positive ways of thinking and behaving;
  • Become calmer and more confident;
  • Free yourself from useless thoughts and negative thinking patterns;
  • Use meditation to overcome situations of stress , anger, anxiety and depression;
  • Bring positive changes to your relationships;
  • Reach a new level of self-knowledge and understanding.

But perhaps the most important thing is to take advantage of this phase to know how to wait, giving space and time for your body, mind and emotions to adapt to this new reality, allowing the benefits to manifest themselves in your life, with meditation being an anchor. throughout this phase.

Text: Sofia Borrego, holistic therapist and meditation teacher | Instagram: @holistic_pt | Website:

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