Tips for Being Sustainable While Traveling

Sustainability is one of the topics of the moment. We all try to acquire daily habits that protect the environment, such as recycling, choosing public transport and reducing plastic consumption. The environment should not be forgotten even during the holidays, so we show you how to adopt sustainable practices when booking your next trip, ranging from choosing transport to food, without forgetting activities and souvenirs . Get to know them below.


Depending on the destination, you have the option of traveling by plane, train, car or bus. If you travel in a group, and the destination allows it, it might make sense to share a car. When traveling alone, plane and train are better options. If you travel by plane, choose direct flights whenever possible, as take-off and landing cause the majority of planes' carbon emissions. When you arrive at your destination, walk or cycle whenever possible. If not, prioritize public transport.


Stay in local accommodation, instead of choosing hotels and resorts from international companies. Then search for guest houses , bed & breakfast , couchsurfing and Airbnbs . This way you will be contributing to the local economy.

Furthermore, avoid purchasing “all-inclusive” packages. By paying for accommodation, food and activities straight away, you will be spending your holiday within the resort , which means that all the money goes to the hotel, which does not benefit the local economy at all. It is more sustainable to visit local restaurants, hire a tour guide or participate in cultural activities. The economy will thank you and your trips will be much more culturally enriching.

For lovers of green spaces, camping is also a great option.

Activities at the Destination

Before booking tours , research is the order of the day. Read reviews on Google , TripAdvisor and TrustPilot, or seek the opinion of travel bloggers or specialized magazines.

To become deeply involved in culture while contributing positively to the community, you can choose to get involved in projects created by Non-Governmental Organizations or local tourism organizations.

“Travelers who spend their money at local businesses can have a very positive impact on the places they visit,” says Eytan Elterman, co-founder of Lokal, in an interview with British Vogue. “Look for hotels and tour operators run by local residents, companies that have titles or certifications. By leaving money directly with communities, travelers help preserve fragile local cultural and environmental environments,” he adds.

If you go to destinations where there is wildlife, avoid tours that promise animal encounters, which include touching, hugging or riding the animal, as this may be considered unethical. Choose tours that promote responsible visits, without disturbing the animals. To do this, hire a trustworthy company, research activities that have already been carried out and how they treat animals, in order to understand whether the company has ethical and sustainable practices.


Go to local restaurants and cafes, not only to help these small businesses, but also to meet people and try traditional dishes. If you are going to buy products, choose to buy from local and independent markets and help small producers.


We all like to take souvenirs home, whether to remember that place forever, or to give to family and friends. When choosing souvenirs , avoid traditional key rings and other similar items that may have been manufactured elsewhere. Then choose to look for unique pieces from local artisans.


Think carefully when packing your suitcase and avoid taking unnecessary clothes or other products. See what the weather will be like and choose pieces that combine easily with each other. Other ways to be sustainable include using a reusable water bottle, a cloth shopping bag, and a lunch box if you carry food. Cutting down on plastic from one use is essential.

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