Three Ways to Use Sunscreen to Keep Your Skin Nourished

Sunscreen is probably the Holy Grail of beauty care. This product preserves youth, protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals and gives it shine, texture, tone, smoothness and elasticity that no other cream or serum can give it. Make sure your body has the necessary vitamin D and apply sunscreen every day, even if you are working from home.

Types of sun protection

Mineral sunscreens (whose active ingredients are only zinc and/or titanium dioxide) physically block UVA and UVB rays. On the other hand, chemical sunscreens, which contain oxybenzone, octinoxate, homosalate, among other ingredients, absorb the sun's rays instead of deflecting them.

As a healthier option, mineral sunscreen should be your choice and also the last step in your care routine, in order to create a physical barrier against the Sun. Recommendations involving the application of sunscreen first concern to the chemical option, as it needs to be absorbed deeply to divert the sun's rays from the face.

Three ways to use your sunscreen

The lifestyle website Goop recommends three simple routines to use your best friend: one for when you go to the beach, one for makeup-free days and another for a work meeting.

For a day at the beach

Using SPF 50 is essential if you plan to spend long hours in the sun. However, ultraviolet rays, water, sand and wind can make your skin incredibly drier. Start by applying a layer of moisturizing facial cream, wait a minute or two for it to be absorbed, and apply a moisturizing facial oil on top. Wait a few minutes and you can now apply your favorite sunscreen.

For radiant skin without makeup

For an immediate and long-term glow, vitamin C is the first step, regardless of your skin type. It brightens, hydrates and evens out texture and tone, and has also been shown to have a moderate sun protection effect, although it is not a sunscreen substitute. Apply vitamin C to clean skin, let it absorb for a few minutes, then apply your moisturizer with SPF 30.

To a meeting

For an impeccable appearance during a virtual meeting, apply an eye cream, serum and use a facial roller to activate blood circulation and reduce swelling. Wait a few minutes and apply your sunscreen.

Once these steps are done, you can apply a highlighter to the high points of your face (brow bone, top of your cheekbones, tip of your nose and cupid's bow). The lighting effect will compensate for the dull appearance that phone and computer cameras often project.

Choose a well-lit area of ​​the house and, if you can, use a tinted sunscreen for an even, radiant, healthy-looking finish that translates perfectly to video.


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