Four Unusual Ways to Use Your Makeup Products

Lipstick instead of blush ? Corrector to bypass? Highlighter as eyeshadow? All of this is possible, because in makeup, we are the ones who dictate the rules. And if we can make this process much more fun, why not? Maybe they never gave you this information, but – be surprised! – a product can have more than one functionality. There are even those who argue that practically all products have at least two functions.

We also know that creativity is the first commandment of makeup that plays more than one role; We also know that versatility is what can give charisma to an expression of art on our face. So today, we decided to show you some less common ways to make use of some of the must-have items in your kit .

Contour with the dark circles corrector.

Consider using a concealer a shade darker than usual to contour your eyelids, and also apply lip balm to the high points of your face to brighten it (don't overdo it, just apply it to your temples, the arch of your eyebrows and the tip of your nose ). Use small amounts and press the product with your fingers. In just a few moments, you will look much more awake. Go for us.

Use highlighter as eyeshadow.

A highlighter doesn't just have to be applied directly to the skin. Choose to use it in the inner corner of the eye, to open up your eyes, or along the entire eyelid, as a natural and shiny eyeshadow that will keep you looking healthy.

Put mattifying powder on your lips to make them matte .

Do you prefer a less glossy lip effect? So, we have something new: you don't need to rush out and buy all the lipsticks designed solely for this purpose. Use what you have at home and lightly apply the mattifying powder directly to your lips with a brush, over your favorite lipstick color. Simple and equally elegant.

Lipstick on your cheeks and eyes – try it!

Yes, lipstick can (really) be used on the cheekbones and even the eyelids. This bold step can happen when we want to use eyeshadows in brighter tones that highlight the summer tones that naturally take over our complexion. Play with your girly lipsticks and give your cheeks a rosy touch or use it on your eyes for this shade to give you a new look.

If your skin is sensitive, be careful and don't venture out blindly. Try to understand the likelihood of a possible allergic reaction through light applications, avoiding large amounts of product in certain areas.

Step out of your comfort zone, be bold and feel good – every day. The best beauty is the one that comes from within.

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