This Is the Effect Stress Can Have on Your Skin

Este é o Efeito Que o Stress Pode Ter na Sua Pele

If you feel that your skin is lacking light, redder and more dehydrated, perhaps this is the ideal time to review the way you have been treating it recently. The days of uncertainty we live in are likely to keep many of us up at night, and this can have some consequences on the appearance of our skin.

Just as stress and anxiety affect your sleeping pattern, your mental well-being and even your gut health, they can also significantly influence your appearance. It doesn't matter if the cause is internal emotional stress or external aggressors of the skin: the results of tension will always be the same. Later, when the skin begins to react, its protective barrier is damaged, something that makes it even more vulnerable.

Wrong product or right product?

As a rule, the issue is not about what may or may not be the right product, but rather about the right product in the wrong place on the face. If your skin is weak due to external factors, it is natural that the foundation you use every day may start to cause some type of problem. However, the problem almost always starts with accumulated stress .

Overloading the skin? Wrong

Excessive use of exfoliants or invasive treatments can pose a real threat to the skin. It is necessary that you take care of your face at home, but that you respect your freedom to breathe and that you do not choose to overload it with treatments that are too deep and intense, which instead of strengthening your dermis, make it more fragile and dull. luminous light that we all desire. Anything you do in excess will no longer be beneficial.

It is important that the focus is not on using the maximum number of products, but only those that contribute to an effective improvement: a cleansing gel, a toner, a serum and a moisturizing cream.

Skin that shows signs of stress is also skin that needs some type of exfoliation. However, with some moderation, as the idea is only to eliminate dead cells from the surface and not to remove the top layer of the skin. If you use a face cloth with a cleanser, you don't need to scrub your skin too much. On the other hand, exfoliating using just the scrub twice a week is sufficient for dehydrated and stress- affected skin. Be careful not to use acidic toners or cleansers that include an exfoliation component, as these can be too aggressive.

Rediscover the radiance of your complexion

Dull skin can be a sign of accumulated internal stress . Good circulation is essential for healthy skin, as it can bring it the oxygen and nutrients it needs. Furthermore, when the blood is closer to the skin's surface, it is possible to achieve better absorption of face care products.

The skin can also benefit when we use cold temperatures to keep it “awake” and give it more energy. You can try using ice cubes with green tea or chamomile (both are anti-inflammatory) to eliminate certain swelling. Swipe them across your face, working from the center outward to help stimulate circulation and calm inflammation.

Comforting treatment

When the dermis' protective barrier is damaged, it suffers profound dehydration. That's why it's so important to generously apply a cream that helps soothe your skin, especially at night. You can apply it as a mask, for a nourishing effect that will be visible the next morning.

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