Four Rules for Taking Care of Your Hair on the Beach and Making It Shinier

We have a question to ask you – and it's very easy to answer. What time of year does your hair suffer the most? Got it right. It's the summer. But the hottest season of all isn't the only bearer of blame on this topic. Some of the gestures you make towards the frame of your face can also contribute to it taking some time for it to recover from the effect of chlorine from the pool or salt water.

Much is said about the importance of applying sunscreen to the face and body. And if we care so much about protecting our skin, why don't we also protect our hair? In many cases, hair sunscreen may prove to be inadequate, as it sometimes leaves our hair looking oily. However, giving up using it is still a mistake.

There are small gestures that we can put into practice, and others that we should avoid, to reach the month of September with healthier and more hydrated hair. To achieve this goal, and for the love of your hair, follow the tips below.

Remember to use hair sunscreen.

Prevention should not only be part of our conduct when it comes to damage caused by the Sun. What is certain is that its radiation can change the color of the hair, make it drier, make its keratin more fragile and eliminate the its shine, but there are other elements present on the beach or in the pool that are also harmful to your health. They are the wind, which leaves it tangled and dirty; sand, which leaves the scalp irritated; chlorine, which changes its color and dehydrates it; and sea salt, which causes split ends. All of these are factors that can be combatted with a specific hair defense product. Furthermore, you can also use accessories that help cover your hair, to protect it (scarves or hats, for example).

Hair sunscreens have seen their formulas evolve considerably, becoming lighter, to protect hair strands without making them more oily, while at the same time providing them with the hydration they need. A suitable sunscreen not only acts against UV rays, but also defends your hair against chlorine and nitrate.

As with our skin, when we put sunscreen on our body and burn a small area that we missed, our hair can also suffer from the same type of situation. It is very important that, to preserve its texture, we first apply the product to our hands and spread it correctly throughout the hair.

Comb your hair when leaving the sea or pool.

It is recommended to comb your hair when leaving the sea or pool water to untangle it, but you should do so with a wide-toothed comb and never with a brush. Always do this, first applying sunscreen or conditioner, without rinsing, to avoid damage when detangling.

Another golden rule is to avoid rubbing your hair with a towel when you get out of the shower. Hair is extremely fragile at this time, due to the sea salt and the reflection of the Sun. Therefore, by rubbing it, we will damage it.

When leaving the sea or pool, it is essential to rinse/wash your hair to remove chlorine or saltpeter. Do this with fresh water from the shower or a bottle of water you have on hand. At this stage, it is also essential that we wash our hair every day, in order to eliminate the remains of dirt typical of the time of year.

Don't neglect hydration.

After a long day at the beach or pool, it is crucial to hydrate your hair even more carefully. Choose a conditioner or mask that hydrates your hair well and repairs any damage it has suffered. Your criteria, when choosing suitable products, should be to choose specific formulas for your hair type (dry, fine, curly, colored, etc.). Make sure you choose a conditioner capable of effectively nourishing your hair fiber, not forgetting the last step of this point: using a mask. Try applying it just before washing your hair (when it's dry), for around 10 or 15 minutes. This gesture will help the nutrients to be better absorbed, as well as all the active ingredients of the product.

Take precautions if you have colored or highlighted hair.

Blonde hair is, of all types, the most fragile. Soon after, dyed hair appears. Both are at greater risk of deteriorating during the summer. Therefore, it is essential that you take certain extra precautions. Choose products designed specifically for colored hair and incorporate a shampoo, conditioner or mask into your routine with pigments that prevent the color from oxidizing and turning into unwanted tones, applying them every two or three washes, according to your preferences. the application advice for each brand.

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