These Are the Best Ways to Increase the Benefits of the Water We Drink Daily

Hydration is not just about quantity. Our annual global bottled water consumption is estimated to reach more than 300 billion liters, but many of us report being constantly thirsty. Worse: this situation means a greater quantity of plastic bottles are discarded every second, which, in large part, end up in the oceans. Recent studies suggest that there are ways to make our water more hydrating by adding salt. But this is just one of the suggestions for quenching your thirst in a more intelligent way. Read on to discover all the others.

Add some salt

It may seem counterintuitive, but adding salt to drinking water can help prevent chronic dehydration (when more fluids are lost than are ingested). Avoid processed table salt and use sea or Himalayan salt, which contain trace amounts of 84 nutrients and minerals. Just a pinch in a liter of water – you'll barely be able to taste it – replenishes your body's natural mineral content and quenches your thirst for longer.

Infuse with fruit

According to Ayurvedic medicine, drinking water with certain flavors balances our Doshas (energies), calms digestion and stimulates metabolism. We're all familiar with lemon detox water, and while we can get some nutritional benefits from infusing fruit into water, we don't get the same fiber and vitamins as if we chose to eat these foods. However, there are flavors that make water much more interesting to drink and this, in itself, is something beneficial. If we can drink more water without needing to add artificial colors or chemicals, our body will thank you.

The secret is at the bottom of the sea

Salt is capable of restoring our energy and reducing the body's negative charge, helping with cellular rejuvenation and balancing biochemical reactions. Many supporters of alternative medicine consider that drinking sea water has several benefits for our well-being, as this water is made up of more than a hundred trace elements (chemical elements essential for life).

Research from the Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) reveals that drinking deep sea water (more than 200 meters) can have many health benefits. The depth ensures the purity of the water as pollution rises to the surface. This way, high levels of essential minerals are collected, including magnesium, calcium, potassium, chromium, selenium and zinc.

Add the right crystals

It is believed that we can reinforce the benefits of our water through the energy of crystals, as these are considered natural purifiers. Although there is no scientific evidence, an independent study in Germany tested tap water, crystallizing it, and found that it improved in quality and neutralized harmful substances.

There are two ways to make a crystal elixir: with the crystal directly touching the water; or by placing stones in a sealed container. It is important to note that although the direct method is considered the most powerful, certain crystals can release toxic substances. Therefore, you should use the safest ones: quartz (spiritually thought to promote success, love and forgiveness) and amethyst (to attract calm, creativity and balance).

Article translated and adapted Porter.

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