The True Meaning of Premenstrual Tension (PMS)

O Verdadeiro Significado de Tensão Pré-Menstrual (TPM)

When you hear the term “Premenstrual Tension” (PMS), it is very possible that the meaning it carries has awakened prejudice and even some tension in you. This nomenclature already infiltrates women, from a very early age, with the belief that "they will be tense before menstruating”. This belief, consequently, becomes a reality in their body, as it will quickly send a seizure order to your cells .

So, imagine if all women were taught, from a very young age, that the «T» actually stands for «Time», and that this time (as some say) is, in fact, «Time to Meditate»?


We, women, begin to feel more still, collected or even strange in the days before menstruation, because our body and our set of female psychic processes require stillness and collection in order to biologically process everything the body needs. , allowing us to observe what we experienced emotionally during the 28-day cycle that is coming to an end.

We are cyclical and we live different phases within the menstrual cycle, just like the Moon. We are several women during the month, yes! — This is real and biologically proven, and is also emotionally perceptible.

“Time to Meditate” brings us powerful insights , opens our intuition and tells us, through our mood, which characteristics of our behavior influenced the cycle that is ending. Therefore, we will be careful not to repeat them in the new cycle, which will begin on the first day of menstruation.

For example: if your PMS tends to make you extremely irritable and more impatient, it is trying to tell you that you need to look at your lack of patience and work on it. On the other hand, women who are generally very emotional and sensitive, on these days will accentuate these characteristics and become more sentimental.

How to deal?

In addition to women, the men who live with us can also be aware of these periods and phases of our cycle. Cramps, in general, are asking women to look with more care and love at female issues, at the fact of having a uterus and being a woman. It is very important to balance yin and yang (female/male) energies. More rational women tend to experience these imbalances more frequently and experience more cramps .

There is a series of information and readings that we, women, being connected to our bodies, can do on our own, awakening our healing power and wisdom. There is also the food factor, which explains many PMS symptoms.

Women who meditate regularly, for example, have a moment in their practices to collect themselves and breathe, naturally calming their moods throughout the cycle.

Self-knowledge, meditation, nutrition and self-care. These four words help to make the life of any human being flow lightly. And, naturally, our cycle and PMS fluctuations will stabilize more easily.

Text: Kareemi | Creator of the Emotional Gynecology website

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