Discover the Magical Powers of Coconut Oil

Descubra os Poderes Mágicos do Óleo de Coco

First, coconut water appeared. Later, it was the oil from this fruit that came to take over the world of natural beauty. Acclaimed as a true hero when it comes to looking after our appearance, this substance works as a moisturizer in the most varied aspects, essentially taking the form of a mask and cleansing gel.

Rich in antioxidants, coconut oil does not contain chemicals. And that makes it even more desirable. Some studies claim that this oil can increase metabolism, whiten teeth and strengthen immunity. At the same time, it is present in all types of body moisturizers, as well as anti-aging treatments and even hair products, due to its ability to retain moisture.

If you haven't tried it yet, we present five ways to use this beauty oil, which will become an essential element in your self-care ritual. The only question you will ask yourself is: "How come I didn't discover this sooner?" Keep reading and see why.

Take care of your hair.

Coconut oil is one of the best hair masks. Leaves hair shiny, smooth and healthy. Before washing your hair, apply the oil the night before to the ends. The next morning, wash well to remove all traces. You can also massage your scalp to improve circulation, stimulate hair growth and combat dandruff. The coconut oil mask has a moisturizing effect that penetrates the strands and revitalizes damaged hair.

Hydrates the skin.

Ditch moisturizers full of chemical ingredients and switch to coconut oil. It works wonderfully on the skin and can be applied to all types. Its antioxidant properties prevent aging, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It is also very effective in treating various diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis.

Serves as a make-up remover.

Once you try it, you won't want to use anything else. Coconut oil is the best natural makeup remover and is the best way to remove mascara, eliminating it deeply and hydrating the entire eye area. Apply a little coconut oil to a cotton pad and gently remove makeup from your face.

Can be used in the kitchen.

This oil is very good for cooking because it has a high heat resistance. It contains around 90% saturated fat, which has a high tolerance to oxidation at high temperatures. You can use it like any other oil, whether for cooking or baking, or as a substitute for butter.

It's a perfect after-sun.

In summer, we are more exposed to the Sun and, as such, our skin can burn. In this case, coconut oil is the most natural after-sun you can find and it is very effective. Contains saturated fats and lauric acid, which has a healing moisturizing effect, soothing burnt skin and helping to reduce inflammation.

Other properties of coconut oil:

  • It is antibacterial and antifungal;
  • It is rich in antioxidants;
  • It has medium and small chain fatty acids;
  • It has saturated fats;
  • It is rich in vitamin D, E, proteins and other nutrients essential for skin and health.

If you haven't tried it yet, now we present you the perfect opportunity to do so, with Pure coconut oil, 100% organic vegetable oil, obtained by cold extraction.

Extremely protective, it contains numerous antioxidants, stimulating the immune system and presenting beneficial effects on some skin problems, such as eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis. Your hair will also gain a new life, as it will become shinier and stronger if you use this product as your new mask.

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