The Science Behind Orgasm During Childbirth

Orgasmic birth. No, we didn't make a mistake writing. It's exactly what you're thinking: having one or more orgasms during childbirth. It's not very common, but it can happen. This phenomenon – in which labor and birth itself are pleasurable – is a controversial topic. Some women may have an orgasm spontaneously during this process. However, giving birth and having pleasure in a hospital context and without privacy is a truly inhibiting factor (really?).

Is it really possible to have an orgasm during childbirth?

According to experts, the connection between childbirth and sexual pleasure may be greater than we think. And, although it is not very common, orgasm can happen during childbirth. People who have tried it swear it is real.

Elizabeth Davis, author of Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth Experience , states that the feeling of pleasure you have when you give birth does not necessarily have to be an orgasm, but consists of “sensations of ecstasy and liberation linked to the body and the baby”.

In 2009, Debra Pascali-Bonaro directed the documentary Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret , with the aim of dispelling myths about orgasmic birth and sharing information about it. In her work, the director realized that women could experience all types of pleasure during labor, even if it wasn't a full orgasm in the traditional sense. In her words, it is much more common for people to be “comfortable talking about pain, but not about the transformation and positive aspects of childbirth”.

From this perspective, pleasure can be the key to turning a process that would initially be painful and complicated into something enjoyable. To do this, you need to have the type of environment where you can enjoy a comfortable sexual experience. It is important that the place where the birth will be given has privacy and allows the pregnant woman to feel safe among the people present. Whether or not this includes a hospital setting will largely depend on the type of hospital, as well as the comfort level and medical support system.

The science of an orgasmic birth

Whether or not pleasure during baby birth is on the table, the science involved brings good news for women in labor. Experts have found that sexual stimulation and orgasm reduce sensitivity to pain. Therefore, physiologically, it is possible to have a pleasurable birth.

Oxytocin – the “love hormone” released during sex and orgasm – plays a key role in the labor and delivery process, helping the uterine muscles make wave-like movements to help push the baby out.

It is possible for orgasm to occur at any point during labor, but it is more likely to happen in the moments leading up to it. As the baby's head descends and applies pressure to the vaginal canal in preparation for birth, sensations of pain (and pleasure) can begin to intensify – and this is when large amounts of oxytocin are released, something that can be very similar to the sensation of an orgasm.

What to do to have an orgasm during childbirth?

Believing that orgasm is possible is the starting point for allowing it to happen. Staying receptive to pleasure at a time when you might expect to experience the opposite can help.

Communicate your wishes to your support team before birth so they can create an orgasm-friendly environment, whether you give birth at home or in a hospital.

Intentional orgasms during labor (induced through masturbation) can not only help manage pain, but also increase the likelihood of having an orgasmic birth.

Sexual or not, touch matters

If you're not ready to commit to trying to climax in the delivery room, a massage could be the ideal way to manage pain during this time. Touch conveys security and understanding. Ask your partner to hold your hand or gently stroke your cheek to help calm you down.

The real moment of pleasure

It's hard to think of possible downsides to using pleasure to manage pain during labor. However, if this objective is not achieved, it is important not to blame yourself for it. Having pressure to feel an orgasm will only complicate the entire process. In the end, what matters is that you get to meet your child – and that is the most pleasurable moment of all.


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