The Most Secret Erogenous Zones

We've all heard of erogenous zones, but not all of them we stopped to think about the world of body parts that can also provide us with pleasure through touch and are just waiting to be explored.

In an intimate relationship, start by sensual touch – and privileging it to the detriment of a more sexual touch – can be an excellent way to improve preliminaries and, consequently, make the relationship you have with your partner more complicit. This expression of sensuality does not necessarily need to have as its purpose and relationship sexual, and may happen merely for the purpose of achieving greater well-being.

Exploring sensual touch alone will allow you to find the parts of your body that are most sensitive to pleasure. This is a discovery that does not necessarily imply masturbation. According to American sex therapist Janet Brito, author of several articles written for Healthline , running your fingers all over your body will allow you to discover which sensations and areas make you feel best. And when you discover a certain area that is more sensitive, you can use different pressures and movements to understand what satisfies you most.

The unexpected places:

All of us – men and women – we have erogenous zones, but they are all different from person to person. A the same part of the body may not provide the same intensity of pleasure to two different people. Therefore, there are more areas capable of providing us with pleasurable sensations than those that, a priori , would be expected. Some examples:

  • Navel and lower part of the stomach , two areas very close to the genitals, and are therefore more exciting;
  • Scalp , which, because it is full of nerve endings, also constitutes a point of unlikely pleasure, just like hair, which when pulled can also stimulate these waves of satisfaction;
  • Lower back , area that has nerves that are connected to the pelvis, making it more vulnerable and sensitive;
  • Ears , thanks to the sensitive outer skin and the hundreds of sensory receptors present inside.

But the unexpected pleasure zones don't stop there. According to Health Line , these include the inner wrist, arms, armpits, palms of the hands, fingertips and the back of the knees.

Other surprising data:

What if we told you that nipple stimulation has the same power in the brain than the sexual organs? Apparently, it's true.

Areas such as the mouth, lips and neck can, in fact, receive and give a lot of pleasure. But areas such as the thighs, bottom of the feet and toes The feet are also very sensitive. The pressure points existing in the latter can increase blood flow and, consequently, increase the degree of arousal when stimulated.

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