In the light of the Full Moon everything becomes stronger, more intense and brighter. This is the period in which lunar energy becomes more powerful, emphasizing everything that is under its influence.
In addition to the fact that the Full Moon is auspicious to close deals and contracts, increase passion and seduction and intensify rituals and magic, it is also the ideal phase to energize your crystals, leaving them outdoors, so that they can absorb the especially powerful and beneficial energy of this lunar phase.
Of all the ways to cleanse and energize crystals (rock salt, running water, incense, etc.), the Full Moon is the safest, as through it we will not run the risk of damaging the effect and composition of the mineral.
Often, even without us knowing, crystals absorb negative energies hidden from our physical eyes and which often come from our emotions or energies absorbed from other people. This is why the Moon can be used, as it governs these areas.
How to Clean Crystals on the Full Moon:
1. Place all of your crystals in a window where the Moon is visible from some point during the night.

2. Remove crystals in the morning.

3. Program your crystals again, so that their energy is always directed towards their function.

It is important to know that even if the sky is cloudy on the night of the Full Moon, there is no problem, as the Moon's energy will still reach your crystals through the clouds.
Make the most of the Moon's energy, which is powerful, subtle, safe and, of course, free. A blessing from Nature.
This article was written by Daniela Palermo, crystal specialist.
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