The History of Lemon Essential Oil

Due to its yellow color, its refreshing aroma, its ability to purify and the burst of energy it provides, lemon essential oil has earned the nickname “Liquid Sunshine”. The truth is that this oil has possibly the most powerful antimicrobial activity of all essential oils.

Your history

The name Lemon is derived from the Arabic word “laimun” or the Persian word “limun”, meaning “citrus fruit”. The lemon is considered a cross between the bitter orange and the citron and was originally cultivated for decorative purposes. However, as its resourcefulness was discovered, this fruit began to be cultivated more and more.

Lemon trees are native to Asia and in ancient times were used not only by ancient Indians but also by Egyptians and Romans to treat infectious diseases. It is believed that lemon trees were brought to Europe in the Middle Ages and that, eventually, at that time, populations made use of their antiseptic and antibacterial properties to treat certain physical conditions.

The fruit and its essential oil have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to treat a wide range of health problems. Lemon essential oil is currently used in perfumery, culinary practices and to relieve mental exhaustion, improving cognitive function and concentration. For this reason, lemon oil is often diffused in workplaces to improve employee focus and efficiency.

Properties and benefits

Much appreciated for its smell, lemon oil has enchanting properties. Its invigorating and cleansing capabilities make it one of the most desired oils, as it acts as a natural purifying agent for the body.

Being a multifaceted oil, it strengthens our immunity, alleviates circulation problems and headaches, and can also instantly improve our mood. It is a great fragrance for the home, as it conveys a feeling of cleanliness, thanks to its fresh aroma.

Clears the mind and helps with mental confusion problems. It is not advisable to use lemon oil on your skin and expose yourself to the sun after applying it. Just like any other citrus oil, lemon oil cannot be exposed to sunlight.

How to use it:

You can use lemon essential oil together with a massage oil or through inhalation or vaporization.

  • To alleviate fatigue and stress, add a few drops to your usual massage oil, diluting it in the bath;
  • To purify the environment, bringing focus, clarity and organization, use it through environmental diffusion, spray or perfume;
  • Add one to two drops of lemon oil to a spray bottle with a cleaning product for an uplifting scent while cleaning surfaces in your home;
  • Add a small amount to your cream or lotion to clear congested skin (this step is great for oily skin);
  • To boost your immune system, use a drop of this essential oil on the sole of each foot before bed.

You can now buy this oil here at Frederica.

Purchase our lemon essential oil at Frederica's online store through this link .

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