This is the “Happiness Equation”

Do we all have the same definition of happiness? What does it mean to be happy, anyway? Although everyone generally agrees that happiness is being satisfied with life, being in a good mood, feeling positive emotions and feeling pleasure, researchers have found that it is difficult to agree on the true meaning of this concept.

According to positive psychology , happiness is a state characterized by contentment and general satisfaction with one's current situation. On the other hand, being happy also implies feeling positive emotions loaded with meaning: connection, gratitude and compassion.


According to Mo Gawdat, happiness expert and author of Solve for Happy, “we feel happy when life behaves the way we want”. Gawdat believes that happiness depends on our management of expectations: we stop being happy when expectations are equal to or lower than the reality of events.

The author developed his own happiness equation, arguing that it is the way we think about events that determines the way we feel. Our perception is, therefore, the holder of our happiness and the secret is to direct the focus to positive thoughts, since, when the thought disappears, suffering also leaves us.


Although we often think that happiness depends on events, science suggests that it comes from our brain. That's why changing the way we think can increase our happiness, even if we don't make changes in our lives.

When a region of the brain is activated, it becomes stronger. Therefore, focusing on positive words can make positive memories and feelings more present. Make your own list of positive words to trigger these emotions in your brain.


According to the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives everything we give energy and attention to. Therefore, if you want to stay focused on the good and rewarding things in your life, you will automatically attract positive things into your reality.

Through this law, the Universe responds enthusiastically to our vibrations, whether positive or negative. It responds to whatever energy we are creating and gives us more of it.

To attract more happiness through the Law of Attraction, your energy frequencies need to be in tune with what you want to attract into your life. As?

  • Choosing to think differently;
  • Choosing to focus and think about the good things you want to achieve;
  • Doing more things that make you feel good.


The Law of Attraction tells us that to attract what we want we must follow the following steps in order:

  • Think about desire;
  • Write it down;
  • Feeling that it has already happened;
  • Wait for it to happen.

It is important not to focus on how we lack what we want, because by focusing on that void we will continue to attract it. To feel that we are on the right path and towards what we ask for, we must vibrate at that same frequency and act as if it were already a reality in our lives. We must also feel how we would feel if we had what we want now.

It is essential to enter the emotional state of already having what you want. When you emit the vibration of already having what you want, the attraction of that object or situation happens more easily.

How can you feel that what you want has already happened?

Close your eyes for 1-2 minutes, 1-2 times a day (morning and night), and imagine the feelings of love, joy and happiness you would feel if you had already fulfilled your desires. Play with these feelings until they feel real. If this exercise is difficult for you, just focus on something that makes you feel good: your pet, your friends, etc.

Visualize a new life script

Visualization has enormous power. The mind has difficulty differentiating between our physical actions and the actions we imagine. So, imagine yourself living the life you want, with the happiness you deserve.

When we visualize what we want, we feel the emotions of that experience because, once we see it in our mind, we start to feel those sensations. And even though imagining things we don't have can be a challenge, keep trying. With practice and patience, anything can be achieved. Your power is unlimited and so is what you can create. And why not create an even happier life? The happiness equation is completely in your hands.

Sources:, Psychology Today and Jack Canfield

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