The Best Teas to Combat Abdominal Bloating

Os Melhores Chás Para Combater o Inchaço Abdominal

Coffee or tea? Today, we choose the second. Black, jasmine, chamomile, lemon or matcha tea. There are a thousand and one hypotheses – and a thousand and one benefits. Each tea is unique and endowed with singular properties, capable of convincing us that Nature, in fact, knows what it is doing.

According to a recent study by the European Society of Cardiology, Those who drink tea three times a week (at least) can improve their to a large extent the health of your heart, as well as your quality of life. According to experts involved in the study, everything indicates that the main agents responsible for these benefits are the antioxidant bioactive components (polyphenols), substances that more protect our cells.

As a drink deeply appreciated around the world, tea has also been associated with some issues related to the possibility of weight loss, with some studies recently discovering that there are some infusions that can combat the fat that we accumulate in the belly. And if you belong to the group of women who suffer from uncomfortable abdominal swelling, know that this is a reality that, according to Healthline , affects 20 to 30% of people.

Even though we know Since this is a very common problem, many of us do not know the best way to combat it, nor do they understand, in advance, what its main causes. There are multiple factors capable of influencing our body in this sense, namely some food intolerances (which we cannot even imagine have, in some cases), the concentration of gases in the intestine or the existence of bacteria intestinal imbalance, constipation, among others.

Once upon a time, the custom was to use natural remedies to try to counteract this discomfort. One of them would be some herbal teas, which according to some studies can alleviate this condition.

In fact, in recent years we have recognized the potential of various teas and infusions in this area. Some examples of the teas that have been most acclaimed in recent times are hibiscus tea, green tea, mint tea and ginger tea. However, despite all the anti-inflammatory properties that we find in most of these products, to make the body healthier, on several levels, and to feel its full powerful effect in practice, it is not enough to just drink a cup occasionally. . To have an effect on our abdominal area, we must drink tea at least twice a day, hot or cold. Naturally, it will not be only thanks to this gesture that we will be able to reduce our weight or definitively put an end to this problem. Therefore, it is important to control our expectations and always keep in mind that there are rare cases in which what could be called a “miracle” happens. Therefore, reinforcing the importance of physical exercise and a balanced diet cannot be overstated.

Drinking tea will be just an auxiliary factor in the topic of reducing a bloated belly. Still, there is a combination of teas that has been highlighted in this subject, such as green (which plays a fundamentally antioxidant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory role), mint (which helps with bowel movements and reduces gas formation), ginger (which accelerates metabolism and, consequently, the burning of fat) and rosemary (also with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory).

Below, take note of the main herbal teas capable of reducing abdominal bloating.


With notes of mint, this tea alleviates mild digestive problems. According to experts, Lemon balm can reduce abdominal pain and other similar symptoms.


Traditionally used to cure digestive disorders, including abdominal pain, bloating and gas, fennel can also protect the body from ulcers. Your intake works as a preventive act against this last problem, also reducing the risk of swelling.


Produced from From the thick roots of the Zingiber officinale plant, ginger tea has been used, since ancient times, to protect us against diseases related to the stomach. According to some studies, ginger has the ability to alleviate digestive disorders and reduce colic and intestinal gas that cause feeling of bloating.

Suggestion: take this tea with honey and lemon, to mitigate its intense flavor.

Pepper mint

With a flavor refreshing, this ingredient relaxes the intestine and can relieve pain and swelling associated with it. This is because, according to some research, in Flavonoids are present in peppermint, plant compounds capable of inhibit some immune system cells that cause swelling.


A member of the daisy family, chamomile has been used – particularly in traditional medicine – to treat indigestion, diarrhea and nausea. Some studies indicate that chamomile can prevent bacterial stomach infections, which are also associated with bloating problems. Although more studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of this tea in treating digestive problems, the truth is that chamomile flowers also contain the already mentioned flavonoids (very important for eliminating free radicals and for having analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties). inflammatory). Chamomile tea thus alleviates various gastric problems – stomach pain, intestinal irritation, etc. – leaving us with a lighter feeling.

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