Ten Positive Affirmations to Make a Difference in Your Life

Dez Afirmações Positivas Para Fazer a Diferença na Sua Vida

What we think is what we become. Have you ever heard anything like that? If you are reading this article it is probably because you have already decided that you want and deserve to have an even happier life.

Manifestation is the act of attracting what you want into your life: a better job, higher pay, healthier relationships, personal goals or any other situation that you seek to cultivate more in your daily life.

It is said that when we say, hear or write a powerful affirmation, we are manifesting it in our brain over and over again until we end up believing it. Thus, it is possible to reprogram the mind and eliminate deeply rooted limiting beliefs, replacing them with new and strengthening beliefs.

What does manifesting mean?

Manifesting is believing in a new reality before seeing it. To begin a manifestation process, it is important to completely believe in yourself and your power, as if you know that what you want is already being created.

When we become more aware of our thoughts and our surroundings, we begin to understand the relationships between what we think and what happens. Being aware of your thoughts is an important form of self-care, especially to avoid the presence of negative thoughts in your mind. This is the first step to starting to create a new reality.

What are affirmations?

Affirm means to declare that something is true. Similar to the use of gratitude journals and the law of attraction, the use of affirmations serves to attract positivity and abundance to any area of ​​our life, functioning as a wish list for the Universe.

Affirmations do not focus on the problem. With an affirmation, we focus energy on the assumption that certain areas of our life have never been unsuccessful. By focusing on the good, the negative diminishes.

Like mantras, affirmations can be used in meditation, in a notebook, in yoga or simply said out loud. It is important that these statements are said as if what we are saying were already ours, in a clear and concise way.

How to use affirmations?

A good way to start using affirmations is to choose an area of ​​your life that you want to pay more attention to, choose two or three affirmations and repeat them when you fall asleep and when you wake up. This way, you will fall asleep with a positive thought and start the day with an optimistic outlook. Over time – it's not us who say it, it's the authors and enthusiasts of the matter – these thoughts become your reality.

There are also other ways to use your statements:

Say them out loud to yourself every day;

Write them down five times a day in a notebook;

Meditate on them;

Write them on paper and stick them on the wall, mirror or wallet.

Some examples of affirmations you can use:

“I believe I can be everything I want to be.”;

“I have the freedom and power to create the life I want.”;

“My possibilities are endless”;

“I am worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires”;

“I am prosperous in all aspects of my life.”;

“There is no room for negativity in my life. I am completely and utterly in love with myself.”;

“I am surrounded by positive people who help me achieve my goals”;

“I believe in myself and in the power in the Universe.”;

“I step out of my comfort zone to achieve my goals and find satisfaction in change and new environments.”;

“My mistakes are stepping stones to my success because I learn from them.”

Words have power and it is this power that makes this tool such a powerful instrument. Look in the mirror or place your hand on your heart and repeat an affirmation for a few minutes every day.

Don't feel limited by the statements we've presented to you. You can create your own affirmations and write about some topics in your life that you would like to improve. Then, turn that information into a positive statement. The change comes from you.

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