Do you suffer from heavy, tired and painful legs? Take extra care during this period of greater confinement

We are all moving less. And even if we move within the different areas of our home, that's not enough. We tend to fall into a sedentary lifestyle in times of social isolation. And the truth is that sitting down occasionally to stretch your legs may not be enough to make you feel more active and fit.

This sedentary lifestyle is particularly serious in people who suffer from problems related to leg pain , such as Chronic Venous Disease, which is estimated to affect a third of the Portuguese population.

Feeling of heavy and swollen legs, numbness or muscle cramps, are just some of the complaints that can hide Venous Disease and that, as we spend more time at home, standing still and without exercising our legs, tend to get worse. The tendency to neglect our diet due to the high number of meals we have to eat at home doesn't help either.

Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to excesses committed at the table, and to try to improve blood circulation through physical exercise at home. Even without going to the gym, you can always maintain healthy lifestyle habits by exercising and, therefore, preventing possible negative effects with regards to your physical condition, more specifically your legs. The important thing is that you do it with motivation, dedication and, of course, with some regularity.

Staying at home for a long period of time can be difficult, and staying exercise while maintaining a healthy diet can be an extra challenge due to the fact that we feel more relaxed when we are at home. This time, try to take care of your legs , not only by getting off the couch to stay active, but also:

  • Raising the bottom of your bed;
  • Massaging and rinsing the legs with cold water;
  • Avoiding foods that stimulate venous congestion, such as coffee, tea and some spices;
  • Avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time;
  • Staying away from addictions such as tobacco or alcohol;

Stay comfortable indoors, try to wear comfortable clothes and massage your legs whenever possible, not letting them remain still for too long. Because even if your body does not show any symptoms when it comes to leg pain, prevention is important.

For deeper clarification on this topic, consult the website . And remember: give your legs the attention they deserve.

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