Do you suffer from headaches? Follow These Tips

Don't know what to do when you have a headache? The truth is that this problem is much more common than you might think. It has been proven that seven out of every ten people have at least one headache per year. Also known as headache, this condition is temporary, but often makes it impossible for us to work or carry out the simplest activities.

As the name suggests, a headache consists of discomfort accompanied by pain in a specific region of the brain. Its cause, duration and intensity vary according to the type of headache:

  • Primary headache : does not result from another disease. Its main causes are stress , poor body posture, changes in sleep or drinking alcohol. If you identify with any of these reasons, you should adopt a healthier lifestyle, practice yoga and meditate.
  • Secondary headache : is associated with certain diseases (such as sinusitis) or allergies. It is important to consult your doctor to make sure you are taking the right medication. This is because, sometimes, this may not be ideal for you or it may end up having side effects and triggering frequent headaches.

If the headache is very severe, frequent or accompanied by unusual symptoms, such as high fever, weakness, nausea, stiff neck and difficulty seeing, speaking or walking, you should contact your doctor.

Headaches appear every day in different types of people. And if you are tired of resorting to chemical medicines to alleviate this discomfort, we suggest some natural treatments below.

1. Drink water.

Many people neglect the importance of drinking water and the truth is that dehydration is a common cause of headaches. It has been scientifically proven that drinking drinking water considerably alleviates this pain within a period of time that can range from 30 minutes to three hours. Drink at least one liter of water a day. Your head will thank you.

2. Aim for a diet rich in magnesium.

This important mineral contributes to the proper functioning of the human body. When there is a lack of it, not only does the body suffer, but frequent headaches also arise. Studies have already shown that there is a reduction in the frequency and intensity of headaches in people who take magnesium supplements. But be careful: before you start taking something, don't self-medicate — consult a professional to choose the best solution for you, as some magnesium supplements cause digestive problems. Taking a vitamin B supplement is also a good alternative.

3. Sleep at least eight hours a day.

Sometimes it's difficult to sleep a peaceful night. These are the tasks after work that still have to be done at home, the children to take care of or even the most common everyday problems. But if you suffer from frequent headaches, remember that if you sleep too little, the situation could worsen due to tiredness. Your brain needs to regenerate and your body needs to rest to find energy for the next day.

4. Use essential oils.

These products have many therapeutic benefits, as they are liquid and enriched with aromas from various plants. If you've never heard of them, know that they are often used to apply to the skin. However, they can also be ingested. The most recommended for headaches are peppermint and lavender oils (peppermint oil is recommended for use on the temples, to reduce a simple headache; lavender oil is essential for migraines).

5. Relieve pain with a cold compress.

Simply fill a bag with ice and wrap it in a cloth to reduce the pain. Applying a cold compress to the area of ​​your neck or head that hurts will help reduce inflammation.

6. Drink coffee or tea.

Drinking tea or coffee relieves a headache. Caffeine gives you energy and improves your mood as it constricts blood vessels. Furthermore, it has also been proven that coffee helps improve the effects of appropriate medication for this type of problem. As for tea, opt for ginger tea, which has antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory substances.

7. Try acupuncture.

This method is effective for treating various illnesses, including chronic or permanent headaches.

8. Use crystals.

From aromatherapy to herbal medicine, there are many natural ways to get rid of accumulated negativity, which manifests as physical headaches. When you feel this pain start, step away from the computer and take a few minutes to lie down, placing some crystals on and around your head.

There is a scientific theory that argues that crystals have healing power, stating that there are some that vibrate at frequencies that can interact with the frequencies of the human body and heal it. The best crystals for headaches — which eliminate imbalances between the energy of the head and the solar plexus — vary from person to person, but there are some that are best suited to treat this problem: selenite , rose quartz , amethyst , moonstone, lapis lazuli and aquamarine.

The healing properties of selenite — one of the most powerful stones for treating this pain — have the ability to quickly unblock any stagnant energy that may have caused inflammation. Try lying down in a comfortable place, placing the selenite directly on your forehead and other crystals around your head. Visualize them absorbing all your worries for 20 minutes.

You can also wear your crystals in necklaces or earrings to allow direct contact with their purifying energy throughout the day.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. No information contained in this article or otherwise provided on is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any patient or should be considered as medical advice or the practice of medicine.

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