Insalata Alla Frederica!

Whatever the weather outside, there's nothing better than a salad, packed with nutrients. Here's the house salad, easy and quick, just like you want on busy days at work!

Ingredients (for 2 people):

200g Arugula;

2 small oranges;

10 Strawberries;

100g of Feta Cheese;

Chopped fresh coriander.

Peanut Sauce:

1 teaspoon of peanut butter;

1 tablespoon of lemon juice;

1 tablespoon of low-fat natural yogurt;

1 small clove of garlic;

1 pinch of black pepper or piri-piri;

Chopped fresh coriander (qb).

Preparation method:

For the salad, cut the oranges and strawberries and place in a salad bowl along with the arugula. Break up the feta cheese with your hands and place on top of the mixture. Chop the coriander and serve;

For the sauce, place the ingredients in a food processor and mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Drizzle the salad with the dressing and serve;

Serve with grilled fish or meat.

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