Spending More Time Naked Can Make You Happier. Find out why

Coming home after a long and busy day at work, taking off your shoes and taking off your bra – who hasn’t? Yes, we know that the heat hasn't arrived yet, but what few of us are aware of is that taking off the rest of our clothes can also have a liberating and genuinely comfortable effect on ourselves.

Nudity is, not infrequently, the type of act that is considered to be reserved only for intimacy. Many people can only feel truly confident about their bodies when dressed from head to toe. But embracing nudity is about stripping away (literally) prejudices and diving into self-acceptance.

The fact is that, when we force ourselves to spend more time without clothes, we force ourselves to look at and deal with our first home, which is our body (it is with us until the end of our journey, it makes sense to respect it and treat him as he deserves). Furthermore, spending more time “in nature” can encourage intimacy between couples, as physical connection also connects two people emotionally.

For example, if you are one of those people who care about appearance and decide that the less lighting the better in moments of intimacy with your romantic partner, perhaps spending more time undressed can help you to reconsider this condition. If you start to like yourself completely naked, more You will easily want the other person to like you in just that way.

Spending more time without clothes is an opportunity to be happier in your skin. We also tell you about other great reasons to let your body breathe, below.

More restful nights' sleep

By reducing our body temperature, our sleep improves significantly. Even when we sleep, this smart machine does not rest completely as it is dedicated to eliminating toxins and burning excess fat. By lowering our body temperature we may also be increasing our metabolism, meaning that more fat can be lost at this stage.

Increased self-confidence

Much is said about loving others – and love for ourselves is devalued. Practicing acceptance of who we really are is a difficult but truly important task. If we spend more time without clothes, we will begin to appreciate our body and like it with all its “flaws”. In a world where an ideal beauty standard is promoted in an excessive way, there is nothing like being naked to face your fears and cultivate self-love.

Protected immune system

Being naked (or partially naked) on the beach can be very beneficial for our organism, since exposure to sunlight provides us with vitamin D, which is directly related to our immune system. Like this, You can always undress and catch some sun in your pool or on the beach. close to your home. Remember to use sunscreen.

Embrace vulnerability and show who really is

When we are exposed to the eyes of society, it is natural fears and concerns arise. However, this is precisely our most vulnerability that we must embrace, as it allows us to think and let us focus on what is really important to us. Take the weight off importance of pre-established beauty standards helps us lose the fear of to be ourselves, with no intention of transforming or hiding our true body image.

Be happier

If true happiness begins within us, then the first step to achieving it, a little more every day, is to start by trying to be happy in our own skin, with our body. Working on the feeling of being comfortable with our own nudity and seeing it as something natural can make our lives lighter and more fun – because we ourselves will feel that way. With or without clothes, it will be easier to feel predisposed to see life in a way that is “stripped” of artifice and even more connected with Nature (even if it is merely with your own).

This gesture is extremely important, because we increasingly live in a system that distances us from our natural roots. According to a recent study, An individual who spends more time naked can increase their self-esteem regarding your body image, feeling fuller and with greater satisfaction to live life as it deserves to be lived. This homecoming – to what it is natural – can make us more complete. And, after all, what’s the harm in trying?

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