Nine Screen-Free Ways to Stay Entertained at Home

Home and work, nowadays, are practically synonymous. And with more and more people working in the place where they wake up every morning, while maintaining social distancing, there is a question that arises: after all, what can we do at home, in addition to everything that is mandatory?

We leave you some suggestions. Find them below.

1. Spring renovation.

We have officially entered spring. And that means that perhaps now is the ideal time to start deep cleaning your home and get rid of some objects you don't need. Take the time to eliminate what no longer makes sense in your space, a complete renovation. What about? Confess: your garage and attic have been asking for a little more attention for months now. The time is now.

2. Get some fresh air.

Do you like hiking? So, go out and enjoy! Don't let the fact that you have to walk alone stop you from circulating your blood and taking the opportunity to breathe fresh air. It can be an excellent moment of mindfulness (and we all need it).

3. Keep the little ones busy.

Create a space for children to be creative and let letting their imagination run wild can be a great way to keep them busy.

4. Learn a new language.

There are lots of free courses online , such is the stage we are in. And why not learn a new language? There are several mobile phone applications, such as Memrise, for example, that offer online resources and tools to learn new languages ​​for free. Bring it on !

5. Improve what needs improving in your home.

Cleaning, tidying, changes to the space or decoration. There is always something that needs to be improved in your space. If your head is full of ideas that you've never put into practice, it's time to accelerate those plans! Residential projects can range from renovations to construction or renovation of furniture. Whatever your plans, now is the perfect time to to start.

6. Move!

Exercise is absolutely crucial at a time like This one. Apps such as Nike Training Club , Freeletics Training Coach or Home Workout are some of those that can help you help train at home. We all know that it is very important to take a break – and this could very well be a workout to release energy and relieve tension typical of the time.

7. Play board games.

Time to put your brain to work! Chess, puzzles, cards or any other board game you like, which involves training logic and competitive reasoning. There are classics that never go out of fashion. At the After the first game, you'll see that it was good to miss the old days.

8. Cook.

Grab the blender and go to the kitchen to prepare the your favorite dishes. Now is the perfect time to try that Delicious recipe that I hadn't had time for yet. Furthermore, moments in the kitchen are a good way to bring the family together or have a little fun.

Just be careful not to overdo it. Search for dishes that stimulate your immunity and allow you to find a balance between health and flavor.

9. Get your sleep back.

Do you spend your life complaining that you never have time to sleep the recommended eight hours? Here is the ideal opportunity to catch up on your sleep. Being at home will allow you to take a much-needed nap to feel better – but this time, without guilt.

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