Bad Nights: Learn How to Recover

There are days when we even go to bed early and toss and turn in bed and can't sleep for the life of us; Then there are the days when, for some reason, we go to bed super late and the next morning we already know that this choice will weigh on us.

Frederica gives you some tips to overcome that terrible feeling of a bad night's sleep. Take note.

Avoid caffeine

When we sleep poorly, our first instinct is to turn to coffee. However, studies indicate that we should only drink coffee and that it should be first thing in the morning.

Take a cold shower

First thing in the morning, it's difficult to jump into the bathtub ready for a cold shower. But taking a shower with cold water will help you wake up and have more energy.


Vitamin D is one of the vitamins that provides the most energy to our body, so going outside and getting a little sun will help you overcome a bad night's sleep.

Try not to sleep during the day

It may be difficult not to take a nap during the day after a bad night, but by not sleeping you will be able to catch up on sleep that same night, which will help you regulate your sleep cycles.

Do physical exercise first thing in the morning

Although you may not feel like waking up, you will see that it will help, as exercise promotes blood circulation and improves attention. Just half an hour of running will give you more energy to face the rest of the day.

If you think that even with these tips you still look tired, use some makeup to hide the signs of fatigue. When you get to bed that night, remember to relax as much as possible, away from all electronic devices, and enjoy a good night's sleep to replenish your energy.

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