Sleep Tight. Guide to End Insomnia

Sleep Tight. Guia Para Acabar Com as Insónias

Raise your hand if you've been suffering from insomnia lately (we already see a thousand and one hands in the air!). But what is this sleep problem all about? Why does it appear when we most need to sleep and when we most want to wake up with energy? This is what we will try to answer, in the hope that, after reading this article, you will be able to have more peaceful nights.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a disorder that impairs our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. As a rule, people who suffer from insomnia tend to feel tired from the moment they start their day, experiencing mood problems and a lack of energy.

There is also often a feeling of unrefreshing and poor quality sleep, leading to tiredness that persists throughout the day. The crucial issue (and which could, in the long term, cause problems) is the fact that all of this tends to get worse as time passes. Symptoms of depression and loss of memory and concentration are some of the obvious consequences that will end up being felt by everyone who goes through this phase.

Insomnia and the brain

In some cases, insomnia may be caused by certain neurotransmitters in the brain that are involved in sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation , there are many possible chemical interactions in the brain that can interfere with sleep and may explain why some people are biologically prone to insomnia and seem to struggle with it for years without any identifiable cause—even when they follow it. healthy habits.

What could be the cause of this problem?

Insomnia can be caused by medical conditions, as well as unhealthy sleeping habits, specific substances or certain biological factors. Some studies suggest that insomnia may be a problem that the brain has, being unable to stop waking up due to a failure in the sleep cycle.

There are many medical conditions that can lead to insomnia, including nasal allergies, gastrointestinal problems, asthma, chronic pain, neurological diseases or medications taken for heart disease, depression, high blood pressure, among many others.

With age, sleep-related problems become more frequent. The biological clock changes and, therefore, we end up feeling tired earlier in the night, waking up earlier the next morning.

Also, the lack of daily activities can interfere with a good night's sleep, as the less active we are, the more time we have to sleep throughout the day, which makes it difficult to fall asleep at night (as is supposed to happen).

Something that complicates peaceful sleep to a greater extent is the fact that we expose ourselves to certain electronic devices, due to the radiation they emit.

In addition to all this, anxiety, depression and the frequent use of some medications and/or alcoholic beverages are the main diagnosed causes of insomnia itself, in addition to stress , a poor diet (caffeine-based) and certain changes to schedules and routines.

The production of melatonin (the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle, the daily pattern that determines when it is time to sleep and when it is time to wake up) is determined by factors such as light and noise. This idea leads us to believe that, if we are exposed to too bright environments at night, the production of this hormone will be neglected.

Stress can also be our biggest enemy when it comes to this topic, as it raises our cortisol levels and causes us to wake up in the middle of the night. Basically, the energy of the mind is one of the main causes of this scenario. This type of insomnia is the most recurrent, called 'primary' insomnia, representing a direct response to stress . In cases where the latter is of an emotional nature (personal or professional losses and demands), sleep is also affected, as worrying circumstances also generate adrenaline.

Why is sleep so important for the proper functioning of the immune system?

Studies show that a well-functioning immune system is the backbone of our health and is essential for our defense against viruses. When the latter infect our cells, they attach themselves to the proteins on their surface and inject their own matter, something that results in an increasing production of viruses. And when this process is complete, the infected cell dies and releases new viruses, which infect other cells.

Despite this, our immune system has its own protective functions. The natural killer cells that are part of our internal defenses are crucial for fighting various types of viruses, but for them to be present in the body in sufficient quantities, our sleep must be restorative. This is why when we sleep little we are more susceptible to diseases and infections.

What to do?

If you have trouble sleeping regularly, it might be a good idea to check your health and see if there are any conditions or behaviors that could be contributing to this situation.

In some cases, there are simple steps that can be taken to improve sleep – avoid bright lighting during relaxation and try to limit possible distractions, such as the television, computer or cell phone.

In other cases, it is important to talk to your doctor to try to resolve the issue. You should not accept the habit of “bad sleep” as a way of life. Insomnia is treatable, but everyone responds differently to different approaches.

Here are some tips that can help you:

1. Make your bedroom a more welcoming and relaxing place, so that it provides you with a restful sleep;

2. Do not drink stimulating drinks before going to sleep, especially six hours before bed. Avoid coffee, caffeinated teas, hot dark chocolate or energy drinks;

3. Create a time routine (both for sleeping and waking up). This discipline can help your body understand when to “turn on” and “turn off”;

4. Try to choose light foods before going to bed;

5. Forget your problems before going to bed. Don't let what bothers you disconcert you to the point of not letting you sleep. Relax and be understanding with yourself;

6. Do a meditation before falling asleep to silence your mind;

7. Lying in bed awake can contribute to insomnia by creating a harmful association between your bedroom and being awake. Commit to getting out of bed every time you're awake for 20 minutes or more, then go to a different part of your home to "reset" to a different rest activity before trying to fall asleep again.

The more we fight insomnia, the more we worry about it – and this worry leads to even more sleepless nights.

There are therapies that can be very useful, namely cognitive behavioral therapy , which involves a combination of concrete behaviors (establishing regular sleeping and waking times, practicing rational and positive thinking, etc.).

What precautions should people who are teleworking take?

If you have set up your office at home, you should ideally choose a location outside the bedroom or at least a separate corner to work. Verena Senn, neuroscientist and sleep expert at Emma - The Sleep Company , recommends compartmentalized areas for daily routine and work, as well as places for rest and leisure. This also applies to schedules.

Zzzzzz. Relax.

It is very important that we work to achieve relaxation. Discover which ritual calms you down the most and keeps you in perfect harmony with yourself. Take a hot bath, drink some tea and always stay positive.

Purchase our quality sleep activating gums at the link below and enjoy a more peaceful and positive day to day life. These are a great supplement, which contains melatonin and vitamin B6 in its composition, being a valuable help to promote more peaceful nights' sleep, respecting the sleep cycle and calming your nervous system. Complete your ritual with our new Inspira Sono Tranquilo roll-on on your wrists, when you go to bed, and remain in the presence of amethyst, a very powerful crystal in this theme. Sleeping like a baby has never been easier.

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