Skin Therapy — Six Facial Exercises to Try at Home

Terapia de Pele — Seis Exercícios Faciais Para Experimentar em Casa

In addition to sleeping the recommended hours, staying hydrated and recharging your spirit, it is also important that you take care of your hair, skin and body on the days when you have more time for yourself.

Exercising regularly makes a huge difference to our physical shape. So why not do the same for our face? Here are some facial self-care exercises to try at home (without having to leave the couch!).

Disguise “crow’s feet”

Start by raising your forehead and place your fingers in the corners of your eyes, stretching them out a little. At the same time, try closing your eyes for several seconds. Relax your skin and repeat the exercise up to 20 times.

Make your face firmer

This is one of the favorite exercises for those who are already familiar with this practice. Remain with your muscles relaxed and say slowly and loudly, exaggeratedly, all the vowels: a, e, i, o, u. The idea is to feel like you're working every muscle, from your chest to your cheekbones.

Combine this exercise with a facial massage, warming up the muscles and massaging them with oil. This way, it will be drained and release accumulated tension.

Facial yoga

Tense muscles can make your face droop. Therefore, to stretch and relax one of the most used muscles in our body, use the tip of your index finger, place it inside your mouth, exactly where the gums meet the inside of the cheek. Then, press your finger firmly across the area around and towards the lower jaw.

Raise your gaze

It is very important to stretch and soften the muscles in your face to release all the accumulated stress . Just like your body, your face also requires several movements (repetitions, stretching, etc.) to obtain the best results. This also increases blood flow, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, benefiting the face in every way.

To lift your eyes, every morning place your index fingers on the top of your eyebrows and then lift your eyebrows while squinting your eyes tightly. You must do this by counting to three, slowly. This practice is a valuable help to eliminate swelling, especially in the upper part of the eye.

Fade Forehead Lines

Place your hands at the roots of your hair. Press upwards and, with your eyebrows, apply the opposite pressure, with the aim of lowering your forehead. This double tension will facilitate the reduction of the typical horizontal wrinkles that appear on the forehead. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Reduce sagging

To reduce sagging skin, use the joints of your index and middle fingers to firmly fade your jawline. It is important that you use a facial oil to make it easier to glide on. Move your chin outwards, moving up towards your ears, to provide a lifting effect. Exercise all the muscles in your face, opening your mouth exaggeratedly and pretending to scream for six seconds. Repeat several times.

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