Happy night? Not always. Overcome Loneliness This Christmas

Christmas is not always a happy night, as one of the most popular Christmas songs ever tells us. This year, many of us will spend December 25th alone. The fact of living far from family, together with the need to comply with social isolation, can, not infrequently, give rise to considerably deep states of anxiety and a feeling of loneliness.

Feelings of melancholy are perfectly natural at a time like this. This may happen because, as the 25th approaches, the greater the number of memories from the past that may emerge, remembering family members who have already left, for example. Furthermore, because this is a season that celebrates union, love and family, feelings of sadness may also arise regarding the type of relationship we have with certain relatives.

If we spend the Christmas season alone, we can start, firstly, by observing our mental state and understanding how it is contributing to our loneliness; then, in a second phase, it is important that we find something we can do to make us feel less alone.

Know how to look at yourself and appreciate what you have .

The Christmas season is perfect for practicing gratitude and exploring the best that life has offered you recently: health, food on the table, washed clothes. It's easier to overcome anxiety when we can understand the small daily blessings we receive and be grateful for them.

If negative feelings and thoughts take over your mind, ask yourself what you would do if you had the ability to deal with the situation or situations that worry you. We have more control over our thoughts than we realize.

Spending this season without company, you will essentially have two paths to follow: feel alone or be happy to be able to have that time just for yourself. Reframe your negative thoughts, so that you can focus, solely and exclusively, on the positive side of circumstances.

Enjoy your company.

If being alone this season is unavoidable, try planning a different day, completely dedicated to you, focusing on everything that can help you feel better.

You can make a different breakfast, buy a gift online to give yourself or prepare a list of your favorite films and series. Does it look good to you? Christmas is the perfect time to indulge in everything that makes you happy. So, gather everything that makes you smile on this day.

Connect virtually .

It is essential that you do not isolate yourself too much. If you don't have the opportunity to go to your hometown to be in the presence of your family, try scheduling a specific time with some members of your family for a video conference. You can prepare a traditional recipe together and, at the same time, stay in touch.

It's true that the pandemic has changed the way we live and how we organize the time we spend with our family and friends, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun and hope for a brighter future.

Think about what you can do with the people you care about when you can be together again. This way, you will have something to look forward to and you can be happier and more excited in uncertain times.

Creating contacts virtually can also be a very positive and rewarding opportunity. Developing new friendships and connections, in the comfort of your home, can help you feel less alone, opening up your world and your horizons.

Be present in the lives of those who are going through a delicate phase .

If you know someone who needs support because they have lost someone recently, show them that they can count on you for whatever they need. Make a phone call to someone who is in a more delicate situation, as this small gesture could make all the difference in that person's life. Be present now, more than ever – even if from a distance, it will have all the value for those on the other side.

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