Shrimp With Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes and Tomatoes

Tâmara Castelo is a renowned name, not only in the area of ​​Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy, but also in the area of ​​healthy eating. Author of several books, she shares with us one of the recipes that we can find in her most recent publication, The Power of Rituals : Shrimp with Pumpkin, Sweet Potato and Tomato. A summer dish that smells like the sea. Does it look good to you?


1 chopped red onion;

5 medium-sized shrimp;

2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed;

200ml rice cream;

1 chopped tomato;

1 clove of garlic;

1 drizzle of olive oil;

2 tablespoons tomato sauce without additives;

1 medium Hokkaido pumpkin;

Salt qb

Preparation method:

In a frying pan, place the onion, olive oil, potatoes, shrimp and garlic;

Saute, seasoning with a pinch of salt, and set aside;

In a bowl, mix the rice cream with the tomato sauce. Add to the frying pan and mix well;

Open the pumpkin in half and fill it with the mixture;

Bake for 30 minutes at 180º;

In a frying pan, with a drizzle of olive oil, sauté the tomato in mini cubes and finish the dish by placing the tomato on top.

Follow Tâmara Castelo on social media:
Instagram : @tamara__castelo
Tâmara Castelo Clinic:

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