Salad in a Jar

Today the recipe is dedicated to returning to work. This salad in a jar is great to prepare the night before and take to work the next day. It's practical, super easy to make and very nutritionally complete.


1 egg; 1 can of tuna in water; 150g of black-eyed peas; 1 handful of baby spinach; Mustard vinaigrette; 1 tablespoon of olive oil; 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar; 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard; 1 pinch of fleur de sel; 1 pinch of fresh black pepper (ground). Preparation method:

Boil the egg for 10 minutes and peel it under running water;

Remove the beans from the jar and rinse with water. First place the sauce in a jar, then the beans and tuna, the egg and finally the baby spinach leaves;

Close the bottle and store in the cold until consumed.

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