Reflections to Follow in this Quarantine and the Importance of JOMO

With everything that is happening in the world and spending most of our time at home, the proposal is essentially one: to get through this crisis in the most joyful way possible. As? Following the JOMO ( Joy Of Missing Out ) premises replacing FOMO ( Fear Of Missing Out ) behavior.

It may seem somewhat utopian that, from one moment to the next, we can gracefully leave the vibration of not wanting to miss everything that is happening in the world and enter the opposite philosophy: that of the joy of losing (JOMO). But it is possible. We just need a mental and physical shift that helps us find joy in embracing our true path.

The feeling that we are losing something – and the fear that is inherent to it – is common to all of us. However, it is important to try to release all this fear and find peace and joy in the fact that we are able to say “no” to something that does not contribute to our well-being. Basically, it's about knowing how to listen to your intuition and knowing when you really have to say “yes” and when you can go in another direction.

Productivity, entrepreneurship and all types of competition are something strongly imposed by society. And with this imposition comes expectations – usually very high – that are difficult to meet, something that creates the feeling that nothing we do is enough. This means that this constant need to overcome can turn into something exhausting, especially in emotional terms.

Almost all religions and lifestyles teach us that true happiness comes from within – it does not come from achievements; it does not come from other people; it does not come from material fields. Therefore, the energetic need to feel reassured by something that “comes from outside” can be a clear sign that our internal desires and interests are being ignored. But the real thief of joy is the act of allowing ourselves to be contaminated precisely by external information, namely by comparison with others.

When can we live a JOMO lifestyle?

It is when we discover what we are truly passionate about that we align ourselves with what brings us pure happiness. And that alignment is the freedom to live in the joy of losing (JOMO). Basically, it is focusing our attention only on what is really essential to us.

Be grateful.

It is the feeling of lack of gratitude that first gives rise to the fear of losing. Whenever we look for experiences, people or emotions to fill what we consider to be empty, we are denying the premise that happiness comes from within. That's why it's so important to tune in and become more aware of everything that surrounds us and the type of people we choose to have by our side. The highest state of happiness is also achieved through acceptance.

Accepting what we cannot change is one of the first steps towards being able to be grateful for the most beautiful things in our lives.

Abandon the feeling of “lack”.

The continual thought that something is always missing disappears as soon as we focus on our inner power. Joy arises when we realize that we are not missing anything that is essential to our happiness and inner harmony. What has brought you joy lately? Have more time for yourself? Contact with Nature? Whatever the answer, one thing is certain: it symbolizes your ability to be grateful.

Cultivate alone time.

Your time is sacred. Use it to write a gratitude journal and write down all the things that are going well (little moments throughout the day that bring you happiness). Enjoy the simplest pleasures: a conversation with a friend, reading on the sofa, a cup of coffee...

Question yourself.

What would you take to a desert island? What would you save if your house was burning? Questions like these can make you reflect on what is really essential to you. And staying at home can be the perfect opportunity to meditate on this very thing. Quarantine forces us to stop what we are doing and it is important to take away the best thing it has to give us: the opportunity to become better.

Disconnect and enjoy the silence.

Sometimes, it is in silence that answers are found. Being at home allows us to disconnect, but the Internet is always there, something that continues to bring us closer to everything that happens outside.

Are calm and reflection part of your plan? Or are you afraid of being alone with yourself? There is always something we need to improve in our lives. This is the ideal time to make these repairs and find solutions.

Don't feel pressure to be productive at all hours of the day.

Productivity makes us feel satisfied, in most cases. However, we are all in the same boat. Don't think you're failing by taking time off and disconnecting from the constant need to get something done.

See the GOOD SIDE of situations.

Our plans have changed, yes. Not because of our free will, but because the world needed it. Still, we can look at all of this as an opportunity to dedicate time to things that we often wanted to do, but couldn't, because we didn't have time.

The secret is to transform the ordinary into extraordinary! As? Improving home decor, transforming a simple dish into the best dish ever, among other simple gestures. It's the energy we put into things that gives them strength.

Don't drift!

Instead of thinking of quarantine as something that makes you sad and inactive, don't allow yourself to drift in this tide of challenges. Take control of the situation and don't lose your energy. Do something for yourself, instead of sitting around, waiting for a wave to come and take you away.

When this is all over, you will be able to look back and realize that it was worth making the most of the time. I'm sure that if you try a little, you'll be proud to see how you've taken steps in the right direction. Everything will be fine. Believe. We are in this together.

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