Quarantine. Let's All Stay «With the Cups»?

Do you love tasting good wine on a Friday night? Or on Saturdays, while preparing your meals? If so – and if this is one of the few pleasures that keeps you happy in times of quarantine – don't worry. In the right amount, a glass of wine can work miracles.

While some of us try to distract ourselves by reading a novel or watching all the series on Netflix , others suffer from loneliness or try to work as much as possible from home. And in this new experience of confinement, there is something that many of us seem to be doing: drinking a glass (with alcohol) to try to survive social distancing.

We've found the perfect ally for drinking – time – and apparently there's something very sophisticated about that. Being at home, there are more opportunities to enjoy our favorite drink, finding an extra state of tranquility at home. All this, of course, only as long as your health and wallet allow.

Happy hour at home

Drinking at home seems more hassle-free than it actually is. When you're in the comfort of your sofa, it's easy to drink too much and lose control, especially if you're bored. That's why it's important to enjoy this little pleasure in moderation.

Enjoying a good glass of wine is not like reading a book, an extremely solitary experience. It's not like listening to music, where you could dance with joy or cry with nostalgia. However, drinking alone is still a privilege and a luxury.

What happens to the body if we drink alcohol every day during quarantine?

At this stage in our lives, all we want is to stay as healthy as possible. And since there is no known cure for this new virus, we can choose to try to maximize the factors that stimulate our immune system – sleep, exercise and healthy eating – while minimizing exposure to anything that can lower our body's defenses. This is one of the reasons why we should know how to enjoy alcohol with some caution, as too much alcohol can affect our immune system.

How to enjoy an occasional glass of wine in a healthy way?

The answer is simple: choose red wine. Several studies have concluded that this drink has several health benefits.

So, drinking an occasional glass of red wine can be good for you as it promotes longevity. However, remember that this practice is not healthy for everyone, nor is it necessary.

Don't drink to calm anxiety, drink because it gives you pleasure, always in moderation.

The Benefits

Now, we show you the best part of all this. Did you know that wine is rich in antioxidants? The latter are compounds that prevent cellular damage caused by inflammation and also oxidative stress (a condition caused by an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals, which damage our cells).

Therefore, red wine is the one that has higher levels of these beneficial compounds, since the grapes from this type of wine are normally more antioxidant than white grape varieties.

This drink is also anti-inflammatory. According to Healthline , a recent study demonstrated that women who consumed a glass of wine daily significantly reduced inflammatory conditions.

Additionally, other studies have revealed that people who consume moderate amounts of wine are less likely to develop heart disease.

A glass a day, don’t you know how good it would do you”?

Many believe that a glass of wine a day is a valuable part of a healthy diet, but others argue that the power of this drink should not be overestimated.

If, for you, drinking red wine is a pleasure you don't want to give up, you don't need to worry, unless you are exceeding the recommended amount.

According to Healthline , in Europe and America, moderate consumption of red wine corresponds to one glass or one and a half glasses per day for women, and one or two glasses per day for men. These quantities correspond to a total alcohol consumption, and, beyond these proportions, no others should be consumed.

It is also recommended that you go two or three days without consuming alcohol per week.

A permitted guilty pleasure

Although red wine offers health benefits, none of them are worthy of encouraging alcohol consumption. However, as long as you don't drink more than 1-2 glasses a day, you can enjoy it to your heart's content.

And if you have to commit a caloric sin, let that guilty pleasure be the glass of wine you drink at night. There is nothing wrong with that. Everything will be fine, even if that means that until then you have to enjoy it from the window or on the balcony.

If you have a history of substance abuse (or a family history of alcoholism), avoid wine and any other alcoholic beverage completely.

Alcoholics Anonymous Helpline: 217 167 840

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