What Plants Should We Have in the Bedroom?

There is much evidence that points to the fact that plants have an enormous capacity to purify the spaces where we find ourselves. Those that are scented – jasmine, lavender or gardenia – emit a fragrance capable of calming us in moments of tension, helping us sleep better.

These beings of Nature are so special that they absorb toxins from the air, something that science itself has already proven. However, the truth is that, at night (especially in winter), the habit of opening the window tends to be lost and, consequently, the air circulation too. Therefore, it is not feasible to increase the quality of the internal air in our room and obtain a better purification system for our space.

Remembering the importance of fragrant plants in our world, another point is highlighted: they need sunlight to survive, something that can really be a problem in homes that don't have enough light.

If you want to make the most of all the benefits that plants can offer to your bedroom, a good first step is to place them near your bed.

In truth, any plant is always by our side, not only to “listen” to us, but also to help us sleep better. And almost all of them help us breathe more easily during the night, as they release a lot of oxygen and absorb the carbon dioxide that we exhale during sleep.

Within your space (and to sleep better), choose plants such as:

  • Jasmine , the best for relaxing. In addition to emitting a sweet scent, it can reduce our anxiety levels. Place it on the windowsill and water it;
  • Lavender , the most suitable for a deeper sleep. Thanks to its smell, it reduces our stress levels and also blood pressure. It needs heat and sunlight. Therefore, place it on a sunny windowsill;
  • Valerian , perfect for inducing sleep, has been used for centuries as a cure for insomnia. Add some petals to your bath or try smelling it before going to bed;
  • Aloe Vera , the best plant to improve air quality. It produces oxygen at night and can improve the air in our room too. Keep her in a sunny place to ensure she stays healthy.

Know that, in addition to having plants in your room, another alternative is to create homemade incense or use essential oils. Enjoy these healing aromas and take your beauty sleep to the next level.

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