Plants That Purify the Air in Your Home

Plantas Que Purificam o Ar da Sua Casa

All houses have energy points that are closely related to certain sectors of our lives, such as love and work. This is where the challenge of precisely harmonizing each of these environments comes in. To do this, we can count on the help of plants.

Feng Shui – a Chinese technique for harmonizing environments, which studies the influence of space on our well-being – tells us that, through plants, we can renew the energy of our home and, consequently, attract health and prosperity to our home. life.

Having a plant is exactly like having a pet: every day we must take care of them, be grateful to them and treat them as we would like to be treated too. In return, we will only receive love. The signs are there – the plant does not hide them, as it is a purely transparent being.

As special living beings, plants have an energetic field through which they communicate with humans. In addition to being a great decorative option as they bring life to our home, they absorb and repel certain energies, such as those from televisions, microwaves, computers and other electrical appliances. We can (and should) look at plants, talk to them and begin to understand that they can not only eliminate negative electromagnetic energy, but also enhance our personal appreciation, self-esteem and optimism.

This natural element is capable of absorbing more complicated vibrations, ending up discharging them into water and land. Perhaps this is the best definition we can give them.

We leave you with some plant suggestions to beautify and reinvigorate your home. To find out, below.

lavender flower

This plant has a hidden power that helps us deal with stress and times when we have multiple tasks to do simultaneously. It helps us control our emotions and generate inner peace. If you suffer from insomnia, this plant is ideal for you.


Considered «the sacred herb of joy», it has the property of protection when inserted in certain environments. It is one of the plants that cannot be missing in our home, functioning as a thermometer, measuring the energy of the place in question. Most importantly: it attracts happiness to all inhabitants.


In decorative terms, this is a plant that adds sophistication to the home. However, his power goes far beyond this innate charm. Bamboo has the ability to eliminate envy and the evil eye, bringing well-being to everyone in the house and attracting good energy. Promotes purity and tranquility.


This is an excellent option for those who want to cut off the energy of malicious people and intruders, as well as eliminating feelings related to envy. Charming, they are known for being the guardians of the home. Place them in external areas and at entrances, to ward off evil and defend your home.


Jasmine favors and strengthens romance, otherwise it is known as the “plant of couples”, benefiting relationships in the spiritual field. It reduces anxiety and gives us a peaceful and natural sleep. It is recommended that this plant be placed in our bedroom.


Considered one of the best houseplants for air filtration, ivy is often used to cover walls and exterior walls. This plant purifies the air and eliminates all harmful and unwanted toxins in any space. It should be placed in external passages or entrances, to attract good luck and health. The main message they convey is that we continue to build our path on the past, balancing the old with the new.

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