Perfect Chia Pudding for Summer

The good weather has arrived and with it begins the long days spent at the beach and in the pool. All you don't want to do is spend hours in the kitchen preparing complicated snacks . To help with this task, we invited Ana Rita Nunes, author of the blog Anita Healthy and with Instagram @anita.healthy , who suggested a chia pudding, using an easy and very tasty recipe, ideal for eating at any time of the day.


2 tablespoons of chia seeds;

1 natural yogurt;

200ml almond vegetable drink;

1 teaspoon of honey;

Cinnamon to taste;


Coconut chips.

Preparation method:

Mix the chia seeds with the yogurt and vegetable drink. Add honey and cinnamon powder. Shake well. Place in the fridge for approximately 4 hours. Serve with banana and coconut shavings.

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