On Mother's Day, Don't Offer Flowers – Offer Crystals

No Dia da Mãe, Não Ofereça Flores – Ofereça Cristais

To express gratitude to our mothers, we need something that maintains an energy of unconditional love. Giving your mother a crystal on Mother's Day will give her back some of the positivity she once gave you.

And because, for most mothers, taking care of others comes naturally – while taking care of yourself can become more difficult – it is essential that your mother allows herself to have a few minutes of rest every day. Crystals are a tool that can help make this “me time” a little more special and sacred.

Remind your mother of the importance of slowing down, breathing and enjoying a moment of pause whenever she looks at the stone you gave her. Although any crystal can be used for this purpose, it is believed that those presented below carry the greatest healing energies, being capable of restoring and enhancing feminine energy.

Rose quartz

Known as the crystal of unconditional love, rose quartz is a treasure fit for every mother. This stone is a reminder that love is everywhere, even in the smallest things. And since most mothers are full-time caregivers, it is essential that they also learn to receive what they give. This crystal awakens a feeling of joy, dispels negative energy and promotes emotional healing. Purchase it through this link .


Angelite is the stone of acceptance. It is important to accept that, as daughters (or mothers), we will all fail. Eliminating feelings of blame is crucial, as is fostering compassion for all our actions. Angelite can be a true ally in this process, dispelling guilt and self-imposed judgment, helping your mother to remember to love and accept herself as she is.


Amazonite will give your mother the freedom to express her greatest and deepest desires, while encouraging her to communicate her needs without fear of judgment or confrontation. This crystal is known to calm the mind and nervous system, helping to maintain general well-being, eliminating emotional trauma, worries and fears.


If your mother is always running and has difficulty switching off her mind to sleep, the amethyst may represent the greatest gesture of affection you can show her. This crystal is known to be a precious aid in moments when the physical and mental bodies need to rest. Furthermore, knowing that one of the most important characteristics that mothers can cultivate is their intuition, this stone will make your sixth sense even more acute. As an added bonus for those who have experienced motherhood, this stone can help alleviate anxiety and memory loss. Purchase it through this link .

Moon stone

Like the Moon, Moonstone reveals that everything is in a cycle of reflection and growth, something that encourages us to go with the flow and remain rooted in the present moment, while appreciating the phase we are in. Do you want more suitable crystal to give to your mother? Additionally, this ethereal blue-hued crystal is believed to be a powerful healing tool for women. In addition to being beautiful, it also helps to stabilize and anchor emotions, supporting hormonal balance. Just as the Moon moves through its cosmic cycle, Moonstone reminds mothers that their bodies are rhythmic in nature and that life is cyclical like the seasons. This is the perfect crystal to inspire moments of mindfulness.

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