Oily Hair: How to Fight It?

All healthy hair produces a certain amount of sebum or oil, as this is its way of staying hydrated. The amount of oil our hair produces depends on our hygiene habits, the lifestyle we lead and the nature of the scalp itself. Sometimes this natural oil can accumulate at the roots, resulting in a look that is too smooth and may appear dirty. Furthermore, an overly oily scalp can cause problems such as seborrheic dermatitis, for example.

Read on to learn about some tips you can follow to reduce the oiliness of your hair and make it silkier.

Focus on the roots and scalp.

Washing your hair properly can be the first step to a happier scalp. You don't need to waste half a bottle of your shampoo to keep your hair clean. For proper cleaning, gently apply a small amount of shampoo to the roots and avoid using your nails. Focus on the scalp and not the length of the hair. Don't rub the ends, just let the foam flow while you rinse them.

Only wash your hair after training.

Perspiration makes your hair even more oily and makes it not look as nice. Make the most of each wash after training and plan your hygiene precisely for that time of your day.

Clean your brush.

There's nothing worse than combing your hair with a dirty brush. As a rule, it is full of styling products, oils and other common residues that can invalidate the wash you have just done. Use a little soap or shampoo to clean your brushes and combs.

Avoid products with silicone.

Many products are made with a silicone base to help soften hair and add shine. The problem arises when this component accumulates in the hair and makes it even dirtier and heavier, even preventing good moisture from remaining in the hair. Avoid products with this ingredient and save yourself the hassle.

Go for an au natural look.

How about embracing your hair as it is? Irons and dryers make hair smoother, but they also increase its oil levels. Embrace your hair's natural texture and say "no" to damaging heat.

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