Oatmeal and Clementine Porridge

This is the favorite time to comfort your body with a nice bowl full of nutrients, first thing in the morning. This porridge is made with homemade almond milk and, therefore, this recipe doubles. A tasty porridge with freshly made milk! Who resists?


For the milk:

150g of almonds;

1l of water;

Cinnamon to taste.

Preparation method:

Start by soaking the almonds overnight;

The next day, strain and rinse with water;

Place the almonds in a blender and add the water and cinnamon;

Blend very well for 1 minute until foamy. Separate the 'milk' from the crumb with the help of a fine mesh. Reserve in the refrigerator until used.

For the pope:

50g of oats;

1 teaspoon of chia seeds;

200ml almond milk;

1 tablespoon of low-fat Greek yogurt;

1 clementine;

1 tablespoon of granola of your choice (preferably unsweetened).

Preparation method:

Place the oats and chia in a bowl and add the milk. Wait around 10 minutes until it becomes soft. Serve with yogurt, clementine and granola.

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